Living a Low-Tox Lifestyle with Kirsty Norton


It may surprise you to know but most household cleaning products are dangerously toxic.


Beware of the ‘eco’ versions too, just because a product says it’s green, natural or biodegradable doesn’t mean it’s nontoxic. Look at the labels, they most likely say something along the lines of ‘hazardous to humans and domestic animals’. 

Also, most of our beauty products contain toxic chemicals and since our skin is the biggest organ of our body, it’s worth paying attention to what we are putting on it too.

Those synthetic fragrances are not good either, you know that lovely ‘clean & fresh’ smell of newly washed sheets. Yes, I’m sorry to say it but that is toxic. 


The term fragrance hides a multitude of sins when it comes to our cleaning products. Yes, that dish soap, sanitary pads, washing powder or room fresheners almost always contain phthalates.

What are phthalates, you ask?

Good question – they are known endocrine disruptors for a start. So if something says ‘fragrance’ on it, there’s a good chance it contains them. Yes, even that perfume I’m sorry to say.

Companies don’t have to disclose what is in their scents when they use the word ‘fragrance’ so you won’t find that word phthalates on the label. 

What I find most frustrating is that these products aren’t vetted and there have been links to all sorts of conditions through their long term use. Pretty depressing huh. 

However, help is here and it’s cheap, easy and simple.

I am here to tell you that you have very simple, easy ways to clean that don’t harm.  Over the past couple of years I have been slowly eliminating all the high-toxin stuff and have tried and tested natural alternatives.

It’s really very easy.

Start Small

Start small is my advice. Swap out one thing at a time. Begin by stocking up on these healthful alternatives:

  • a couple of amber glass bottles (500ml)
  • a stash of white vinegar
  • baking soda
  • castle soap
  • some good quality essential oils (don’t buy from the high street please, the industry isn’t regulated so if the oil is cheap it most likely contains synthetic fragrances or fillers, it will not be 100% pure so it’s pointless).


What to do

I’ll share 2 of my favourites here and you can join my FB group where I share lots more recipes for natural cleaning. Details at the end.

Back to cleaning

Start with an all purpose spray. Get a 500ml amber bottle, fill half with water, half white vinegar then 30 drops of your favourite citrus oils – I use lemon. You can use this to clean surfaces, glass, stainless steel, your sinks, bath, shower glass. All the time, getting an uplift from the oil aroma and getting the home sparkling and clean. 

A better way to do the laundry

Next, I’d recommend swapping out your laundry detergent for something more natural. I use a brand made by the essential oil company I trust or soap nuts with a few drops of lemon essential oil. Soap nuts are the dried fruit of the Chinese soapberry tree, they come in a little cotton sack and last for ages. This really is a cost efficient way to clean your laundry. 


This is one of my greatest passions so if you’d like to learn more, please join me on FB Page: Essential Wellbeing with Kirsty Norton where I share lots more recipes and tips to low-tox living. 

Kirsty is a teacher of yoga and meditation. She is also a mentor, speaker, writer, Reiki Master and advocate of doTERRA essential oils. Find out more about Kirsty on here website here, or why not try here yoga and meditation series, Embrace Your Essence?



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