Happy Chinese New Year – it’s year of the Pig! I do think it’s such a shame that here in the west pigs...

Happy Chinese New Year – it’s year of the Pig! I do think it’s such a shame that here in the west pigs...
Too much to do? You need to slow down. Yoga Nidra – or yogic sleep – can help you combat stress...
It may surprise you to know but most household cleaning products are dangerously toxic. Beware of the ‘eco’...
Juggling umpteen roles alongside being Mumma, career woman and provider can prove to be overwhelming at times....
This last week was the Autumn Equinox – so happy equinox to you!! The lovely thing about the equinox is...
Take your yoga off the mat! No – not that headstand at the park! Kirsty Norton shares 3 tips for extending...
Preparation is key when you’re starting a new habit, to have a plan in place means you can help yourself to have...
This is where the whole concept of the chakra system can seem etheral and out of reach for many. That’s...
The Third Eye Chakra is your insight and intuition, the ability to see the bigger picture. This is one of...
Movement for Modern Life founder Kat Farrants’ weekly column, where she shares her thoughts, tips and tools...
When your throat chakra is in balance, you can express yourself verbally and creatively. Here’s how...
This week we arrive at the Heart Chakra – Anahata. This is our core. It’s related to the element Air...
1010To feed your heart chakra choose leafy greens, green teas (see the theme yet), sage and thyme are good...
Your solar plexus chakra governs your personal power and self-esteem. It represents our get up and go. It’s...
A delicious banana fruit smoothie – perfect to nourish and balance your solar plexus chakra! Try it...