Move More; Eat More Plants | Kat’s Movement Mission


As we move into summer it’s quite natural for most of us to eat more green things, more salads, more plants. It just feels lighter, feels better for the body in the sunshine.

We have a new columnist this month in our blog who has a lovely, yogic view on the role of food and nutrition. The MFML team thinks this is a yogic view because yoga isn’t a process becoming something new, it’s not a journey to transform into a new person, it’s actually just uncovering the ‘real’ you. It’s finding the diamond of you, which sometimes gets lost in the rough, the nitty gritty tales of life. So the role of nutrition is simply an uncovering of our natural, best energy and our best cells within our best selves!

The other way of looking at things would be that processed food and sugary food is a mask for your best possible self, these are foods which make your natural highly energetic and healthy self perform sub-optimally.

I don’t know how you think about the role of what you eat, and what your reasons are for eating what you do. Is it the taste? The cost? Or how the food makes you feel? And do you consider the role of the environment and eat organic? Have you cut down on meat? For me, it’s a combination of all of these. Luckily I have a taste for greens and I love getting as many greens in smoothies, salads and suppers as I possibly can. And for the cost, well I spend almost nothing on my organic greens because I’m lucky enough to grow them myself. I can’t recommend highly enough the value of even a small window-tub, or a wall of greenery, if you live in a flat without a garden. If you have children, it gives them a view of where real food is from, and it costs nothing to produce the most delicious, vibrant food you’ll ever taste.

If you do nothing else this summer, why not take a dive into planting your own edible plants to get more summer goodness into yourself, to uncover the very best ‘you’. Good luck!

With love

Kat and Team MFML



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