Kat Off The Mat | Moving With The Best Teachers


MFML is all about the best teachers!

I do get a bit over-excited when we have a new teacher on the site. I make certain that I don’t take on many new teachers but with this teacher I had to make an exception. She’s not UK-based (so she has to be doubly great to make up for that!), our new teacher Kristin is from British Columbia, Canada!

She is really well known for her deep knowledge of sequencing and yoga anatomy and was the creator of the Tapasya Hot Hatha Yoga sequence, but on top of being a powerful creator, Kristin makes the most alignment based yoga fun. She’s super-down to earth, accessible, funny and so soulful – she’s one of these amazing teachers who just lives her yoga. I guess I’m saying that I really like her and I think her classes are ace, I hope you think so too!

I know that all of us have been loving the accountability challenge. I’ve loved feeling so supported by you guys, and it’s just wonderful knowing that we’ve got each other’s back. Practicing yoga at home can get lonesome, so thank you for bringing so much community spirit. And if you’d like to join in, it’s never too late, do check out our MFML Movers Group.
The other super thing that’s happening this week is our Try A New Style  course. If you’re not sure what Forrest yoga is and if you sometimes get stuck into a yoga rut, this course is for you! Let us know what you think of it on the Movers group!

With love
Kat and Team MFML

Try Your Style Challenge


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