All Levels › Jean Hall
Sofa Yoga
A beautifully calming yoga class, which is to be done with the help of a sofa. A perfect class for a sunday morning, or anytime you need to really chill, breathe deeply and take it easy. With the favourite pose of inversion over the back of the sofa. What's not to love. A great class to relax, for all abilities and mobilities.
Bedtime Wind Down Yoga - Replay of Live Class
Winter Wellbeing Flow
Vinyasa yoga to warm, energise and get back into alignment. Starting beautifully softly and slowly with gentle somatics. Then moving into a creatively sequenced, warming vinyasa class. Mindfully paced, with plenty of breath, this practice moves the body and breath, leaving us gently energised. Ending with some sneaky core work as well as more gentle floor-based somatics, for a really luscious feel. Perfect to start a winter's day.
Spinal Health: Somatic Flow
This mostly somatic class with yoga is for everyone and for any time of the day. It's perfect to get you set up for the day, with a focus on gentle movements to keep your spine healthy. Class starts with gentle somatic movements to sense the spine, which brings attention into tracing the pathway of the spine and its key movements which underpin spinal health and ease. Class then continues with flows through yoga movements drawing out the primary postural patterns of: flexion, extension, lateral, elongation, rotation and neutral spine. A class to add to your daily practice list for all-round back care and health!
Whole Body Awakening
If you're short for time, this yoga class is the perfect one for you. This class is a whole body awakening practice that is specifically focused on isolating, activating and mobilising the major joints and muscles in the body. This is a perfect all-rounded class in itself, but can also be used to warm up and prepare the body for dynamic and challenging poses.
Post Natal Recovery
This yoga class is suitable for most from 6 weeks after birth and is fantastic for strengthening the core. Starting steadily, with the breath, this class moves to some juicy slow vinyasa sequences all with a strong core focus. This class is recommended to all who need to strengthen their core in a mindful, stready way. You will need a block and a cushio
Post Natal 3 : Re-integrate
This class focuses on gentle strengthening yoga for the core, so that the tummy feels knitted back together after the recent strains. Jean also shows us some gentle shoulder stretch and strengtheners, so important for all the heavy lifting new mums have in store. You will need to set yourself up near to a wall.
Headstand Part 1 - Pose Demonstration
Headstand Part - 2 Pose Tutorial
In the second of Jean's headstand pose tutorials, she talks a student through going into headstand from the wall position. You will want to watch part 1 for her alignment pointers first, then watch the second part through, before you attempt to practice to it. Have fun turning your world upside down!
Post Natal 1: Your body after baby
First in Jean’s post-natal sequence which allows you to safely build your core once more. Over the weeks as you improve in strength Jean will build in stronger and more challenging to get you looking and feeling all new. This practice is a gentle welcome back to your body and gives the basic dos and don’t on how to safely build your core after pregnancy. Coming soon! Jean’s 5-minute super-mum practice.
Five-Min Super Mum
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