All Levels › Jonelle Lewis
Liberate Your Hips: A Yin/Yang Flow
This yoga class is a mix between yin and yang to increase mobility in the hip joint. Starting with yin yoga and Qigong, it then gently flows towards some more yang poses to work the inner and outer hips and to free up the spine for a lovely balanced way to liberate the whole body. This class is perfect for a slightly gentler morning choice or in the evening if you've spent the day seated or standing. Working with the water element, it brings softness and a sense of letting go. You will need two bricks and a strap.
Get Grounded Prep Class
Find some lovely tools to put in your toolkit to get grounded, rooted and present to your life. A perfect warm up class to earth mandala flow, or any class. Starting with foot mobility and stability exercises - open up the feet, ground to earth, use myofascial release to massage your feet using a tennis ball. A really useful exercise to keep the feet mobile and pain free, but also to keep a sense of connection with the earth. Qigong poses help you to keep the energy grounded followed by some Yin Supine hamstring stretches and then grounding breath-work.You will need a tennis ball, bricks and a strap.
Rocket Mandala Sun Salutations
Fun, flowy, sun salutations. Perfect as an add-on, as a warm up or if you have just a few minutes in the morning, these Sun Salutations will wake you up and get you moving. We do suggest you practice a savasana afterwards, or another cooling practice, to finish up!
Super Quick Hips
A perfect really short class if you spend a lot of time sitting or if you've been travelling, to help to release tight hips. The class is in seated position, so you won't need space for a mat, which makes it a perfect class to be done in the office or when you're travelling. You will need 2 bricks.
Evening Yin/Yang Flow
A peaceful Yin/Yang flow to wind down and relax for the end of the day. With some spinal rolling and freeing, some poses from QiGong, some restorative and Yin poses, this fusion yoga class is a perfect way to wind down and relax at the end of the day, or for whenever you need to calm, nourish and restore yourself. The perfect self-care solution to our overwhelmed lives. You will need a bolster (or pillows), a blanket, 2 yoga bricks and a foam block and a strap.
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