Under 10 mins › Kirsty Nazaré
Sound Healing: Heart Coherence
This short guided sound healing journey has the intention of returning us to the state of heart coherence. Done regularly, this heart coherence class helps to bring us out of a state of stress or overwhelm into a steady place of balance. This is a great asset to your day and can be done over and over again. This is a sound healing which can be done anytime feelings of anxiety or overwhelm threaten to overtake. This healing can also help to boost health and immunity. We recommend you sit or lie in a comfortable position, do not multi-task; be completely present to the healing. Wear good headphones for this journey and see where you are taken. Do not drive during any of these sound healing journeys.
Love Your Joints
This very gentle, short class is perfect if you've been travelling, sitting all day, or if you're recovering from injury or illness. We should all give our joints a little love each day, and this quick sequence gently mobilises and releases tightness.
Step Into Spring
An all-levels swift wake up and shake up yoga class for the whole body incorporating energising movements and stretches to wake up your whole body to feel ready to spring into springtime with abundance of energy, joy and lightness to celebrate the light!
Quick Fix To Calm
Have this in your yoga toolkit - its super effective at changing your mindset and bringing you calm in a matter of minutes. Practice this every day if you can. You can do this practice either lying down, it's great before bed - or on a chair if you're needing to melt away tension at work.
Moves for Computer Users
A short class showing you some key moves to help with your computer wrists, shoulders, hands and rest your eyes. Take a break from your typing and try this class! Thanks to Wellicious for their lovely clothes!
Chaturanga Tips
A short tutorial to help you with low-plank or Chaturanga. Although Chaturanga is used in many sequences as part of vinyasa, it's a really tricky pose to get right! If done incorrectly, low plank can cause shoulder issues, but if done right, it is an amazing strengthener. You'll need 2 blocks. Thanks to Wellicious for their lovey clothes for this!