Adrianna Recommends

Adrianna Recommens

As part of an occasional series, we asked our restorative yoga teacher Adrianna to share her favourite MFML classes with us. We love Adrianna’s focus on intuitive practice and wondered which classes she turns to for support. Read on for what Adrianna Recommends.

Adrianna Recommends

If you are anything like me, when someone asks you what your favourite practice is, you squirm. You see, I am someone who lets their intuition and body wisdom govern most choices, especially when it comes to a yoga practice. When MFML asked me for my top 5, I did squirm, but then looked to all the classes I have been turning to of late and thought I’d share why these classes feel good to me.

Awareness practice – Adrianna Zaccardi

I know they asked me for 5, but I had to put this one in here. If you are someone who struggles with the concept of letting your intuition guide you, this gentle awareness practice is a beautiful place to begin to do just that. You can use the practice off the mat, which I love, and can apply it to so many areas of your life, as well as letting it call you back into your inner wisdom.

Adrianna recommends
Restorative: Open to Love – Adrianna Zaccardi

With everything that 2020 has brought us, there has never been a more important time to tend to the heart. This practice has helped me navigate the terrain of my own heart through times of joy and deep grief. I come to it often and in times when I need to rest into and listen to my own heart’s wisdom. I hope it offers you a similar comfort and richness. 

Restorative: Sacred Pause – Adrianna Zaccardi

“When we can slow down enough, what we hide loses reason to hide, and everything becomes holy.”  

Mark Nepo

This practice is one I turn to more than most. It is all variations of corpse pose, and it gives me the space to listen and rest into whatever is true for me. The simplicity of this practice holds me no matter what I am navigating, and I know and trust it will do the same for you too.

Honour your Cycle – Uma Dinsmore Tuli

My menstrual cycle holds so much wisdom and it is for this reason it often navigates my practice. Uma’s teachings always support me in meeting myself at all stages of my cycle, and this practice specifically supports the bleed time (winter time) of the cycle. 

Adrianna recommends
Pre-menstrual Yoga Nidra – Uma Dinsmore Tuli

And for similar reasons, I turn to Uma’s premenstrual yoga nidra. Each of her yoga nidras are tailored to the needs and energetic themes. This practice feels really comforting and eases some of the tension I experience in this phase of my cycle whilst returning me to the wisdom that exists within it too (and no, I didn’t always believe this, but now through experience, I’m able to witness the power of this part of my cycle)

Slinky Spine – Mollie Morris

Where to start with Mollie? I’ve had the honour of taking her classes in real life, and this practice feels new, intimate and interesting every time because I am so fascinated about my spine. And if you take this class too, I’m sure you will be. Each time is different, and through moving my spine with Mollie’s passion and guidance am come to place in which I can hold myself tenderly and honestly, no matter what I am moving through.

About Adrianna Zaccardi:

Adrianna is a Teacher, Mentor, Reiki Master and Co-Creator of a year-long programme called Weave. Be it through Restorative Yoga, Movement, Mentorship, or Reiki Adrianna supports and guides you to a place of understanding and acceptance, where you can see yourself clearly and therefore transform the way you see perceive the world. If you’ve enjoyed hearing what Adrianna recommends, why not try out some of Adrianna’s other classes on Movement for Modern Life.


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