Meet Kate Walker. Kate returns to Movement for Modern Life after taking time off when her second child was born and we couldn’t be any happier. Kate is a gentle and inclusive teacher and teaches compassionate, slow, mindful vinyasa. If you haven’t yet, it’s time to meet Kate Walker and take a class!
What do you teach and why?
I teach a dynamic flowing style of yoga with focus on alignment and breath. In addition I teach pregnancy, post natal, hot and restorative yoga. Mainly my practice and what I teach is a slow, mindful, inclusive vinyasa. I love how the focus on a deep and nourishing breath, plus the focus on alignment within a pose, anchors the mind into the present moment. This style of yoga has seen me through any and all difficulties throughout my life as a place of respite and ‘home’.
What brought you to this practice?
I started doing yoga when I was 18 and was desperately unfit and inflexible. I was fascinated by the overlap between what I was studying at university, eastern philosophy, and control of physical movement. Even though I found every pose difficult, I felt more relaxed and centred, more grounded and content, at the end of a yoga class.
Why do you teach?
I love and am honoured by the change I can witness in students of any wakes of life in a yoga class. I see stressed people soften. I see people explore the balance between effort and effortlessness, and learn something about themselves in the process. I see exhausted mothers take time to come home to themselves and nourish themselves. After I had my second child, I took nearly 3 years off and came back to teaching during covid lockdown as I felt so passionately that what people needed more than anything was yoga and to remind themselves of their innate ability to be at peace and grounded.
What motivates you?
My children. My dad died suddenly last year and it’s really motivated me to get fit so I can witness my kids growing up. I want my life to be long healthy and happy – that motivates me every day.
What is your favourite way to unwind?
I love a good cocktail and a great box set! But I also moved out of London 3 years ago to the Essex/Suffolk border and I love to be out in nature with my son and daughter.
Which living teachers / thinkers most inspire you and why?
My main three teachers are: Max Strom (he’s been my teacher since 2004); Judith Lasater (for restorative yoga) and Jason Crandell (I love his alignment and sequencing insight).
7. Recommend your favourite books ( 1 – 3 titles)
A Life Worth Breathing (Max Strom) is my favourite yoga book
Time Traveller’s Wife (Audrey Niffeneger) and Atonement (Ian McEwan) are my favourite novels. Both remind me to be present and grateful in each moment
Which daily practice would make us feel better?
Deep slow mindful breathing 100%! Gratitude meditations to focus on all that is good in our lives (we focus too much on what isn’t!) and movement of any kind as long as you love it.
Beach or Mountain
Beach as long as it’s sand
Cat or Dog
Dog, I’m allergic to cats
Rural or Urban
Sunrise or Sunset
Sunrise – feels like a quieter time
Spring or Autumn
Spring – full of hope
Which is your favourite food?
Roast Chicken and chips, or just about anything my husband makes
Meet Kate Walker:
You can find out more about Kate through her website or why not try one of Kate Walker’s classes through her teacher’s page?
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