Moving into New Life | Kat’s Movement Mission


Movement for Modern Life founder Kat Farrants’ weekly column, where she shares her thoughts, tips and tools for living a bigger, brighter life, moving and living more. Don’t forget to tune in to our weekly facebook live chat with Kat every Friday at 1pm for more!

Happy Easter and Passover time! A wonderful time to celebrate new life.

It seems the Christian festival adopted their Resurrection theme at a time of the Pagan festival of fertility. The Pagan roots of Easter lie in the spring equinox, the time for the northern climates of the end of the dead season and the rebirth of life. A focus of spring religious festivals was a god whose own death and rebirth symbolised the death and rebirth of life during this time of year.

But I’m not here to settle that longstanding debate about whose god is the true god.

Rather, I just want to remind you to really enjoy this celebration time and think about what the possibility of new life is all about. Personally, I believe that we all experience new life every moment of every day. Each second we are transformed, and we have that opportunity to choose our new thoughts, new mindset and the quality of our new cell which our bodies miraculously renew each day.

Appreciating the transformative qualities of your yoga practice, and the ability that your yoga has to transform every aspect of your physical, mental and spiritual life is really a game-changer. You’ll start to see that every moment of every day brings opportunity for you to start again.

Because transformation is such a key part of my yoga journey, and I know is so important to Zephyr too, when I asked her the challenge of compiling 30-day transformation challenge, with her usual grace and good humour, she stepped right up.

So I am thrilled to announce a new challenge like no other! Our 30-Day Transformation Challenge, a yoga challenge involving yogic talks, meditation, pranayama, yoga nidra and some feisty asana.

Today is the best day and right now is the best time for you to step up, to transform, to give new life to yourself and others. Let’s celebrate that opportunity, this amazing chance to keep transforming, keep trying, keep up the work of our yoga and our practice.

Wishing you a wonderful transformation time!

With love

Kat xxx

Watch Kat’s weekly Facebook Live video below for more thoughts on this, and don’t forget to tune in this Friday at 1pm on the MFML facebook page for the next installment!


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