Moving with a Mission! Kat’s Movement Mission


I think you know by now that the whole ‘point’ of MFML is that we provide the very best teachers to your home, hotel, workplace or holiday cottage – wherever you are, so that you can just roll out your mat and start practicing.

In fact, we believe in 4am sessions in dodgy tracksuit bottoms.

But we also have our mission to bring you the very best of teachers. We get many requests from yoga teachers to teach on MFML. It’s so wonderful that folks believe in us for representing their life’s work.

And you know that my criteria for teachers is really strict – because I feel that I ‘owe’ you to bring you the very best, that’s what you come to us for.  Many yoga studios these days ask teachers for their social media profile rather than their practice, but we rather our teachers just be great at teaching, and if they’ve got squillions of social media followers we have a niggling suspicion that they may be better at marketing than teaching yoga!

Teaching yoga, meditation and mindfulness isn’t a job, it’s a whole life’s work, fuelled by our own practice. I feel that this way, the likes of you and I ‘ordinary people’ can really benefit from the wisdom of those who have dedicated their life to the study of yoga.

Today we’re introducing our newest teacher, Robin Watkins – Davis

She’s unusual.  An extraordinary person in many ways. When I first thought of bringing her onto the team, my immediate reaction was ‘no’. I usually demand decades of practice and teachings, to be renowned as a ‘senior’ teacher to be welcomed into the fold of MFML teachers. Robin didn’t’ have this. Because she’s 18, and she was the youngest teacher to be accepted as a yoga teacher in the country, when she was 16.

>>Welcome Robin to the team on our Facebook Movers Group>>

But she has what so many of us in our fourth decade haven’t achieved: a wisdom, and a mission. Robin knows her dharma. Her work is to make the practices of yoga accessible to teenagers and young people, who might be overwhelmed by social media, exams, or just growing up. It made me wish that I’d discovered yoga when I was still at school – how much better would that experience have been?!

>>Try a yoga class with Robin>>

robinI do hope you enjoy Robin’s first class on the site.

And if you know of any young people or teenagers who you think might enjoy it, please do share and spread the word.

with love
Kat and team MFML

>>Find out more about Robin in this post>>


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