Why should you take your mat out and about this summer and practice yoga anywhere you go? Top yoga teacher,...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Finding Freedom In Our Shoulders
How do you feel when your yoga teacher tells you to “take your shoulders away from your ears”?...
The Best 3 Places To Practice Yoga Outdoors
Where will you be unrolling your mat this summer? Top yoga teacher, Lucy McCarthy, lets us in on the best...
Pain in the Neck – Andrew McGonigle
Do you hold tension in your neck and shoulders? Dr Yogi, aka Andrew McGonigle, explains why and shares 7...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Are You Sitting Comfortably?
Are you addicted to chairs? Does your back hurt? Here’s an approach that will let you gently cure your...
Inspiration For Your Yoga Practice | Liz Lark
Find inspiration, strength and conviction in your yoga practice with Liz Lark’s butterfly themed metamorphosis...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Staying Hip and Happy
Have you ever wondered why it is that we have a whole section on hips? Or why yogis seem to be obsessed in...
Hips Don’t Lie | Lizzie Reumont
Did you know that the key to feeling grounded in our bodies does not rest in the feet. It is rather, a little...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Moving Into The Light
It’s summer solstice week! Happy Solstice and longest day of the year to you! I do hope you’re managing...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Men Moved By Yoga
Do you ever wonder why yoga has become a mostly female thing to do in many western countries? Especially...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Moving With The Oceans
Bring the element of water into your yoga practice for fluidity, power and adaptability. This is what your...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Moving Into Happiness
Don’t believe everything you think! And other thoughts on mental health from founder of the UK’s...
FAQ: Yoga For Beginners
Yoga Beginners! Is yoga right for you? How do you start? Is online yoga okay? All you need to know from Kat...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Moving Through Exam Stress
We all know that we can manage our emotions through our yoga practice. You’ll probably have discovered,...
Top 5 Brain Boosting Herbs | Katie Pande
Here are the five best brain boosting herbs that you should be using to replace classic stimulants such as...