Sleep Challenge | Day 1


Welcome to the MFML Big Sleep! You’ve made a 7 day commitment to improve your sleep habits and here in our blog you will find all the yoga and tips you need to leave you feeling brighter and sharper in just seven days.

Day 1: What to do

  • Read through this page and do what you can to incorporate the advice into your life.
  • Check out Lucy’s 5 minute Sleep SOS video. This is your emergency go-to anytime you have difficulty sleeping.
  • Tonight: no later than 9pm, do this sleepy video, write in your journal and go to bed.sleep yoga
  • Tomorrow: set your alarm so you have time to journal and do this morning yoga videomorning yoga
  • Join our FaceBook Movers Group for moral support.
  • Don’t worry if you can’t achieve all of this. Love and accept yourself as you are.
>>Join Our FaceBook Movers Group Here>>

It’s All About Routine

It’s been shown that routine can really help your body clock. For the duration of this challenge, challenge yourself to get to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Your body and mind will love the routine and respond quickly to any regime.

When planning your bedtime it’s worth remembering that sleep happens in cycles of roughly 90 minutes. The cycle consists of light sleep, deep sleep and the dream state (REM). Waking up during light sleep feels like waking up naturally, so aim for your sleep to be divisible by 90 minutes.

Maybe you plan to be in bed at 10pm and think you’ll be asleep by 10.30.  Try setting your alarm for 6am or 7.30 and see how this feels.

See if you can practice your MFML videos at the same time every morning and evening to help you in your routine.

Your Journal for Peace of Mind

It’s impossible to fall asleep when your mind is buzzing. Stress, pain, grief and anxiety all contribute to insomnia as well as everyday thoughts and worries. The best way to calm the mind is to write, write, write it all down, every evening and every morning.

It’s all about routine! See if you can get into a routine of setting your alarm clock 10 minutes earlier and use this time to journal. Before you get up, before you do anything – try writing! Just write, stream of consciousness, everything that comes into your brain for 2 pages or 10 minutes. You’ll be surprised at how this helps your productivity and creativity for the day and helps you to live the day with more purpose. After your journalling, you’re free to have a cuppa and do your MFML morning video.

These feelings of productivity, creativity and purpose will help your sense of well-being and sleep by the end of the day too. Just before you turn out your light, try writing a gratitude journal – write down 3 things, 3 different things every day, that you are truly grateful for. And also write anything that’s worrying or concerning you. Then close your eyes, safe in the knowledge that life is good, you have much to be grateful for and there’s nothing else to remember until the morning.

Every evening, make sure that you practice your MFML evening video after you’ve got your PJ’s on and are ready for bed, so you can just soothe yourself into the evening.

Keep your gratitude and writing journal by your bed and commit to journaling and your yoga every single day for the next 7 days.

Sweet dreams!

With love
Kat and Team MFML


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