I don’t know about you, but I find Easter such a life-affirming time of year. Of course the Christian...
Homemade Chocolate + Top Tip To Beat Cravings | Lorna McCormack
Here’s a delicious homemade chocolate recipe to help you stay healthy over Easter from whole food plant...
What’s Transformation Got To Do With It?
Can yoga really cause transformation? Take a peek into the journey of Kat Farrants. Here’s how she discovered...
Moving Into Spring | Kat’s Movement Mission
This week we’ll be celebrating the Spring equinox, yay!!! Finally, in these chilly, norther climes we get...
The Rise of Veganism – by Coral Brown
After years of being sidelined as extreme and hardcore, being vegan is fast becoming mainstream – as...
FAQ for Beginners
What is yoga all about? Yoga sometimes has a bit of a reputation for being something a bit esoteric. Yoga...
Moving Into A Good Night’s Sleep | Kat’s Movement Mission
This Friday it’s World Sleep Day. That’s the day where the importance of getting a good night’s rest...
Celebrating Women | Kat’s Movement Mission
This week we’re celebrating women in everything they do before International Women’s Day celebrating women’s...
Are you Getting Enough? 16 habits to improve your sleep
We often think of eating better, exercising better to improve our health and happiness, but actually, studies...
Birth Preparation: How yoga can help – Sally Parkes
The last six or so weeks of pregnancy is the perfect time to start thinking about what the baby’s position...
Moving To Take Flight | Kat’s Movement Mission
As you know, I don’t often talk about the ‘Asana’ or the physical shapes of the yoga poses. That’s...
Moving into Crow Pose (Bakasana)
Why have we just launched the Crow Pose Challenge? >>Take The Crow Pose Challenge>> As you know,...
Moving Into A Greener World | Kat’s Movement Mission
Small steps towards greener living will help you practice yoga off the mat as well as on. Here are some tips...
Living a Low-Tox Lifestyle with Kirsty Norton
It may surprise you to know but most household cleaning products are dangerously toxic. Beware of the ‘eco’...
5 Plants to Boost Wellness – Casey Gill
When it comes to rolling out your mat for your yoga practice, have you given much thought to the impact your...