Kat’s Movement Mission | Moving into October and Cancer Awareness


It’s the start of breast cancer awareness month. I know, a bummer of a message to give, but honestly, we’re all about health and wellbeing and it’d be silly to pretend that so many of us aren’t impacted in some way or another by this.


Like with health and wellbeing in general, my first mission in the world is for prevention of dis-ease. I really do believe that yoga, mindful movement and meditation have improved the feeling of ease that I have by a hundred times.

Dis-ease and injury are of course things that happen to all of us and our loved ones at some point in our lives. There are so many factors in how they might come about, from our genes to how we were brought up, to what we eat, how stressed we are and even what we think!

Spotting it early

But with breast cancer ,as with so many things, spotting it early is the best way to ensure we can be healed. Do remind yourself and your loved ones to CoppaFeel! regularly. Which is why to celebrate our good health, and in recognition of our very good friends who are still with us on this earth and some who are with us only in spirit, who have been affected by cancer, we are supporting UK based charity CoppaFeel! this month.

CoppaFeel! was started by Kris Hallenga who was affected by cancer, and her mission is to spread awareness of the things every one of us, men and women, should be doing regularly to spot early signs of cancer.

>>Read our Interview with Kris, founder of CoppaFeel!>>

Making a difference

I much prefer supporting smaller charities and organisations without bulky admin and overheads and with a single-focused mission, as I really feel that donations can make such a big difference.

So this month we’re giving away 5% of every subscription that we sell to CoppaFeel!

If you’d like to support us supporting them, October is a great month to get your friends and family to Sign Up or to Refer a Friend, or to Give the Gift of Movement– your subscription is helping to support this small business share the important self-care practices that we all so badly need in this sometimes confusing, busy and overwhelming world.

With love

Kat and team MFML



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