Moving Into Possibilities

In every well thought out plan, there’s always wiggle room. The very nature of life is change, so it’s...

Good Grief

Grief is intrinsic to the human condition, something we will all feel at some point. Chances are that as we...

Starting Meditation

What is meditation? What are the benefits? And how do you do it? Find the answers to these questions in Andrea...

Avoiding Injury In Yoga

There’s been a lot in the press lately about the regulation of yoga and the yoga industry. It goes without...

Meet Andrea Kwiatkowski

What would you like to ask your favourite yoga teacher? Kat caught up with Andrea Kwiatkowski in our studio to...

Why Yoga Makes You Happy

Why do you exercise or sign up for yoga classes? For many of us, we turn to yoga to help burn off a few extra...

Six Steps To Sleep Better

We are huge advocates of sleep and its importance for a healthy, happy life. In the run up to our Big Sleep...