Sanity Practice: A Weekly Community Gathering with Psychotherapist Kelly Hearn


Weekly Live Online ‘Sanity Practice’ – The Pursuit of Sanity in Insane Times!

Tuesday 3rd October 2023 // 19:00-20:00 BST

Part of being part of MFML is not just about moving and breathing together, it’s also about being a part of a supportive and caring community. We are so chuffed to offer a weekly Sanity Practice over the next four weeks with psychotherapist Kelly Hearn. You are welcome to join for all four sessions or just drop in when you are able week to week. The timings on these sessions are loose, we may need 90 minutes for sharing, please allow between 60-90 mins.

Think of this as a community gathering or an online support circle.

Let’s help keep each other sane, especially in these times of insanity!

What is a Sanity Practice?

A Sanity Practice combines:

  • movement
  • creativity
  • thematic discussion
  • interactive reflection

The Practice is open to everyone and is particularly useful if you’ve ever felt like going to therapy but it’s too been expensive, you’ve felt slightly awkward, or one to one is not quite your thing.

The Sanity Practices are a perfect opportunity to share as much or as little as you’d like within a supportive group.

Psychotherapist Kelly Hearn puts psychological theory into practical application and works within a framework of embodied wellbeing in order to help us live with a bit more ease and joy.

The sessions are an opportunity to cultivate:

  • a grounded body
  • an open heart
  • and a clear mind

Together we will explore topics that come up for all of us whilst trying to make sense of the extraordinary challenge of simply being human.

The pursuit of sanity in insane times!

The sessions:

The sessions take place on Tuesday’s at 19:00. The sessions take place on Zoom, and are not recorded for confidentiality reasons. Provisionally there will be four sessions, but if you’re loving them we can talk about more!

Week 1 – 12th September 2023 – What gets in the way of wellbeing?

Week 2 – 19th September 2023 – Grounded Bodies

Week 3 – 26th September 2023 – Open Hearts

Week 4 – 3rd October 2023 – Clear Minds

For Non-Subscribers, there is a suggested a payment of £15 per session, but this is all on a Pay as you Feel Basis, so we encourage you to share value if you find the session of value.

For our Loyal Subscribers, we just encourage you to contribute anything you are able as a goodwill gesture.

About Kelly

Kelly is a psychotherapist and co-founder of Examined Life, a collective of therapists. She is accredited by the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and is a registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Kelly has wide experience working with individuals, couples and corporates in private practice, the NHS and at The School of Life. She is also a yogi and avid ‘sanity walker.’


To register for a Sanity Practice, please follow the steps below. You MUST include your name and the email address otherwise you will not receive the link.

To register for this class follow these TWO steps:

  1.  ‘Pay as you feel’ through the link below. For Non-Subscribers, there is a suggested a payment of £15 per session, and for our Loyal Subscribers, we just encourage you to contribute anything you are able.
  2. Reserve your space through the booking form below. You MUST include your name and the email address linked to your MFML subscription otherwise you will not receive the link.

Note: If you don’t register after making the donation then you won’t receive the Zoom link for the session. Thank you again for any contribution you are able to make.

This is all on an honesty / ‘Pay as you Feel’ Basis, so we encourage you to share value if you find the session of value.


    If you have any questions about these sessions, drop us a message on

    Terms & Conditions

    The live online sanity practice is for your education and your enjoyment only. You are participating in the live classes at your own risk. You are encouraged to to take breaks when needed and/or when in doubt, don’t do sequences that you are even a little concerned about. If you have any health condition, please seek medical advice before taking any form of exercise. If you have any concerns, please let us know before the class starts.

    If you feel unwell in any way or if you experience any discomfort during class, please stop the class and consult your health practitioner immediately. Remember that yoga is mostly a journey off the mat and into life, and it is a journey about taking responsibility for our own actions and cultivating self-knowledge. Only choose exercises which will nurture and support you, and please take responsibility for yourself and your current abilities during your practice. Remember that each day is different, and even if yesterday you were able to perform a movement, that is no indicator that the same exercise is possible today. Please move within your comfortable limits and if you’re in any doubt whatsoever, please seek medical advice.

    We are not medical practitioners and we do not seek to offer medical advice. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before starting any new exercise. This is particularly important if you have any limiting condition or are, pregnant, nursing, regularly taking medications, or have any existing medical conditions. We do not accept any liability whatsoever for any injury or damage, either during or after this event. Your participation in this event is entirely voluntary and at your own risk, and you agree to abide by the T&Cs of Movement for Modern Life.

    Your data

    By signing up to the community class, you consent to us adding your name and email address to our marketing database. If you do not wish to receive emails from us outside of this class, please do let us know and we will be sure to remove you from our database.


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