Spring ONLINE Yoga Retreat 2024: Emerge and Envision


Thursday 14th – Sunday 17th March 2024

Springtime Awakening: Emerge & Envision with our Springtime Online Yoga Retreat

“The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?”

Jack Kornfield

I always think of the Spingtime Equinox (March 19th) as the real new year. This is the time when we’re (maybe!) well rested, we’ve had a long winter staying indoors and cultivating our inner light. It’s been a time of rest, nourishment and supporting ourselves and others. Spring is the time to awaken. It’s time to start to put into action all those New Year’s intentions and plans, and to step out into the light

I love a new beginning with all the optimism for the future that beginnings bring. Renewal brings hope that any stagnation will change; that the unhelpful habits that we (as a species!) have acquired can be shifted. It brings optimism that the shoots of green are indeed growing under the bare looking soil. Even when it doesn’t look like much is happening, new shoots are sprouting. How wonderful to think that there is still time for our hopes and dreams to come true!! And the best thing is, this year we will have more energy, more tenacity to make our projects happen in the springtime!

But before we all start to charge around, let’s take stock. This is a time to just press pause, for a short moment, to consider the time of awakening, to consider that fresh moment of transformation. This is perhaps the most powerful time of year, the time when we can enact all those plans. But before we do that, it’s important to pause, take deep breaths and consider our direction of travel.

Feel renewed, vibrant and awakened, as if coming out of hibernation from a long, beautiful rest. Yawn, stretch and take in the power of community. Your fellow travellers who will be supporting you as you step into the light.

art of letting go

Read ‘Why I love Online Yoga Retreats’ for more reason to join an online retreat.

What to expect

Expect a weekend full of yoga, breath work and meditation practises. We are a friendly, inclusive, down-to-earth and supportive community, and we always welcome folks of every ability and all experiences. Our teachers are adept at modifying for each individual’s needs; there is always a practise for everybody. On this retreat you will be encouraged to actively participate and share your experiences with others, supporting the whole community, many of whom have had a difficult few years. Your support, your practise and your breath work will raise the whole community. Expect:

  • A weekend of live world-class yoga, meditation and breath work classes from Sally Parkes and Jean Hall, plus an extra special Pre-Retreat self-enquiry workshop with psychotherapist Kelly Hearn where we will reflect on what we will set up and frame our intentions for the weekend.
  • Interactive live Q&A discussion with Sally Parkes, and MFML founder, Kat Farrants.
  • Access to our closed community group with all our teachers and fellow Movers to offer you guidance and support
  • Custom-made PDF with inspiration, tips and advice, and spring recipe suggestions.
  • A warm, human experience with time to connect to the community and space to connect to yourself too.
  • A weekend of learning and support to equip you with embracing transition and change as we cycle through the year into spring.

The Teachers

Sally Parkes – Sally has over twenty years teaching experience in the fitness industry and has a Honours Degree in Exercise Physiology. She trained as an Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher in 2004, and now specialises in pre-natal and post-natal yoga. Sally’s unique teaching style includes an extensive knowledge in anatomy and physiology, whilst weaving all elements of the yoga tradition in.

Jean Hall – Jean Hall teaches soulful & challenging classes, which which help lead students and teachers safely beyond limitations and closer to their true potential and confidence. Jean’s classes pay homage to the ancient yogic system whilst always being inspiring, creative and full of mindfulness to help create ease of breath, movement and health.

Kelly HearnPsychotherapist and Co-Founder of Examined Life, has wide experience working within the NHS, private practice and at The School of Life, she is also an avid ‘sanity walker’ and yogi; activities which help her balance when her mind is over-active.

Kat Farrants – the founder of MFML and she will be binding the retreat family together by hosting the discussions and supporting you all in sharing opinions and experiences.

The Schedule

All sessions will be hosted live on Zoom and are suitable for all abilities. You are welcome to join no matter which stage what of your yoga practice you are at or your level of mobility. We will be offering suggestions for a range of additional classes which you can practice in your own time through the weekend.

We recommend you take the whole weekend off as if you were away on retreat! Spend time in nature, read books, journal, relax, book in a massage or bodywork session and eat nourishing foods. We’ll even be sharing some recipes for you to try out.

You will receive Zoom invites in the pre-retreat PDF. If you haven’t receive the links to join the classes, please get in touch with us as least 2 hours before the start of class.

(All times are GMT)

Thursday 14th March

6.00 – 7.30 pm GMT | Pre-retreat Self-Enquiry Workshop with Kelly Hearn

If autumn is the season of letting go and the cold winter is one of hibernation, how are we preparing for the new growth of spring? Psychotherapist Kelly Hearn facilitates a pre-retreat kick-off session including movement, self-enquiry, creativity and interactive reflection as we envision what we want to seed and nurture in the lighter, longer days ahead.

This session will not be recorded, to ensure that everyone feels safe to share.

Friday 15th March

6pm – 7.30pm – Welcome Circle & Embodying Yoga Flow with Jean hall 

This class is for everybody and will connect us to the natural flow and wisdom of the breath as we explore breath patterns and their journey through the body – from air breath to fluid breath to cellular breath. We will then take this awareness into a sequence of movements to create flow, coordination and strength. Find out how sourcing the breath can support how we may move and respond with more fluidity and freedom

Come with an open mind and heart and enjoy the wisdom of your breath!

Saturday 16th March

9am – 10.30am – Hatha Yoga Flow with Sally Parkes

A light hearted and invigorating yoga flow consisting of accessible Sun Salutations, energising standing postures to strengthen, and gentle floor postures to open and stretch the body. This practice will be led by the breath and will enliven the mind and body for the day ahead.

5.30pm – 7pm GMT | Floor Flow and Glow with Jean Hall 

In Jean’s second class we’ll explore our capacity to release tension and open to the support of the ground. We’ll sense into our resting tone to help regulate the nervous system and nourish movement qualities that can help us feel balanced, steady and more at ease.

Everybody is well. Clear your floor space and enjoy the support of earth!

Sunday 17th March

9am – 10.30am – Slow Flow Morning Yoga with Sally Parkes

A slow and gentle explorative yoga flow. We will take our time with this flow so we can pause and really feel the joy of the yoga postures whilst weaving in invigorating pranayama. This class will create a subtle shift in energy, creating calm whilst cultivating a gratitude for the practice of yoga.

12pm – 1pm – A lunchtime Q&A with Sally & Kat

This is the time to ask any questions of Sally and have a lovely cosy chat with other retreat participants, about the practices, and envisioning the summer months.

5pm – 6.30pm – Release, Relax & Receive – Restorative Yoga & Closing Circle with Sally Parkes

Grab you bolster and get ready for some deep relaxation. Our closing session will be predominately floor work so as to allow the body to release, relax and receive deep rest. After some gentle movement and stretches we will work our way through some deliciously deep restorative yoga postures with breath awareness. This session will finish with a 20 minute Yoga Nidra.

If you cannot attend a session, don’t worry, we will record the sessions (except for Kelly’s session on Thursday and the Sunday Q&A) and they will all be available for 14-days after the retreat for you to enjoy.

What you get:

  • The support of our community of Movers, alongside support of Founder, Kat, who will be hosting each of the sessions, alongside our teachers, Jean and Sally.
  • A retreat PDF full of ideas for how to make the most of your retreat, plus additional suggested reading and listening materials
  • 10 hours of live tuition with some of the world’s leading teachers


We know that some of you are facing some real cost-dilemmas and we know that sometimes our wellbeing practices are the first to suffer when life gets hard.

We want you to know that we are there for you.

Therefore, we are offering the online retreat on a ‘Pay As You Feel’ basis.

There is a suggested price, which we ask you to pay, if you have the means. We have had to increase our regular price, as you may have noticed within your own life, the costs of everything has sadly increased, and while we have internally tried to address these costs by cutting down so much within the business, the true cost of a space on this retreat is £130.

If finances might get in the way of you joining, we will welcome you to the retreat, and you can pay what you think that this will be worth to you. This is the Buddhist system of Dana. The minimum that we can accept is £35, because like you, we are also struggling at these times. 

Those of you do have the means to support us, please do feel free to pay more than the suggested price. We want so much to continue to support you for years to come, with community and the magic that these spaces give us all, however we can only do that if we continue to have your support through tougher times.

Please do get in touch if you have any queries whatsoever about the retreat, about payment, or any concerns at all. We always really love to hear from you.

See more live online events, classes, and courses!


If you have any questions about the retreat, drop us a message on support@movementformodernlife.com

Terms & Conditions

Practicing safely

The live online retreat is for your education and your enjoyment only. You are participating in the live classes at your own risk. You are encouraged to to take breaks when needed and/or when in doubt, don’t do sequences that you are even a little concerned about. If you have any health condition, please seek medical advice before taking any form of exercise. If you have any concerns, please let us know before the retreat starts.

If you feel unwell in any way or if you experience any discomfort during class, please stop the class and consult your health practitioner immediately. Remember that yoga is mostly a journey off the mat and into life, and it is a journey about taking responsibility for our own actions and cultivating self-knowledge. Only choose exercises which will nurture and support you, and please take responsibility for yourself and your current abilities during your practice. Remember that each day is different, and even if yesterday you were able to perform a movement, that is no indicator that the same exercise is possible today. Please move within your comfortable limits and if you’re in any doubt whatsoever, please seek medical advice.

We are not medical practitioners and we do not seek to offer medical advice. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before starting any new exercise. This is particularly important if you have any limiting condition or are, pregnant, nursing, regularly taking medications, or have any existing medical conditions. We do not accept any liability whatsoever for any injury or damage, either during or after this retreat. Your participation in this retreat is entirely voluntary and at your own risk, and you agree to abide by the T&Cs of Movement for Modern Life.


Your secure payment will reserve your place on this very intimate, special online retreat. No refunds will be made.

Your data

By signing up to the online retreat, you consent to us adding your name and email address to our marketing database. If you do not wish to receive emails from us outside of this retreat, please do let us know and we will be sure to remove you from our database


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