An introduction from Nahid de Belogeonne, a new MFML teacher and the founder of The Human Method.
“I am Nahid de Belgeonne from The Human Method, and excited to join the MFML team. I’m a somatic movement coach trained in Feldenkrais, amongst other disciplines, including breathwork, anatomy in movement, yoga, restorative practices, mindfulness and conditioning. I ran my studios called Good Vibes in central London for 14 years, which luckily, I sold in 2019.”
How It Began
I saw my central London clients come into class, they enjoyed the yoga and fitness classes we offered but also seemed hurried, anxious and stressed. In talking to them, I found that they had many issues from chronic stress, burnout, insomnia, not having regular periods or difficulty to get pregnant. No amount of yoga or movement helped them to shift through that state. I was interested to find out what was going on.
This lead me to study and research and practices further that regulate the nervous system to allow you to become biologically fit. I became very interested in how the brain works and the cascade of communication from the brain to the body and the brain. I embarked on a four-year Feldenkrais course which has informed The Human Method, which is a culmination of my studies, research and trialling it out on myself and my clients over 14 years.
Read more about yoga for stress and anxiety in this complete guide
When I started teaching the Human Method…
I teach mainly private clients, and therapists often refer their clients to me, where talking therapy has come to its natural conclusion. When I started teaching The Human Method, I knew I could address most clients’ physical issues and leave them in a better place. I also understood that signals from your body influence your feelings, emotions, thoughts, action and behaviours. However, working intensely with clients on a one-to-one basis through the turbulence of the last three years has made me appreciate how much your physicality influences your idea of yourself and your capabilities.
The case studies
I am writing my first book, out in April 2024, and while I’ve been putting together the case studies, I’m still blown away by client outcomes from my three-month course of private sessions called The Soothe Programme.
- Lianne was referred to me by her therapist. She suffered from non-epileptic seizures triggered by anything that surprised her. Now she can recognise the signals before an attack and take appropriate action to soothe her system. She said the sessions had given her back her life.
- Hattie can manage her pain response, so her quality of life is much better.
- Lisa can manage her grief. She no longer suffers from panic attacks and sleeps for 8 hours. She was barely sleeping for 4 hours a night before she came to see me. She says she can now function sanely throughout her day.
- With the micro lessons I shared, Sarah can regulate her emotions better and manage her stress levels. As a result, she feels more energetic and hopeful at the end of her working week.
- Maya had acute anxiety, chest pains, and inflammation and felt exhausted and stuck. Now she can bounce back from stressful situations and better self-regulate her emotions.
What is the Human Method
The Human Method is my brainchild! It is a radical re-learning system that works to intelligently harmonise the mind and body. It dynamically transforming the health of everyone from exhausted and burned-out high fliers, A-list celebrities, and athletes right through to clients recovering from illness, injury, sleep issues, stress, and anxiety.
The Human Method blends somatic movement and restorative practices with breathing techniques and meditation. It soothes your nervous system and reboots your brain-to-body communication.
My Work
My work encourages you to explore where you hold tension in your physical body and asks you to be curious about the quality of your movement. When you turn your attention to parts of you that have been hidden in your conscious mind, you can reorganise your nervous system and let go of unnecessary muscle tension. This releases the grip on your nervous system a little more, allowing your energy to be used better.
My role is to help you cultivate the right conditions for your nervous system to return to balance and open up to the possibilities of whom you want to be.
for far too long, we have thought of ourselves as a brain with a body, whereas neuroscience reveals that we are more like a body with a brain.
Nahid De Belgeonne
I’m aware this sounds a little out there, but for far too long, we have thought of ourselves as a brain with a body. However, neuroscience reveals that we are more like a body with a brain. Studies show that listening to your body’s signals will help you to self-regulate your emotions and reduce your levels of stress, anxiety and depression.
I’ve been practising the variations of The Human Method for over 20 years and have completely changed. I’m less reactive, more naturally content and enjoy a more open body than stretching or conditioning ever gave me. I no longer carry the habitual tension in my neck and shoulders that I used to. I am also peaceful about making big life decisions directed by my heart’s wants and needs.
Read more in Yoga for Stress and Anxiety: A Complete Guide
Three reasons why you should try The Human Method classes:
1. The practice will help you to self-regulate your emotions
2. Release muscle tensions
3. Create Nervous system resilience
I look forward to teaching you.
Nahid x

Written by Nahid De Belgeonne, the founder of the Human Method. Visit the Human Method Website for more information. Sign up to Nahid’s newsletter for articles, tips and tools from Nahid, or stay connected on Instagram.
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