10 to 20 mins › Naomi Absalom
Shoulder Health and Self-Massage
This yoga and self-massage class focuses on the shoulder rotator cuff to rebilitate and keep your shoulders healthy during yoga practice and in life. Learn how to keep your shoulder healthy and injury free, and how to self-massage the rotator cuff to keep the whole shoulder area mobile.
Balance And Stability Quickie
A surprisingly challenging balance sequence, all on a block. Great for improviing your stability, and you may find that your glutes get a workout too! A fantastic class for all-levels, but you may find that you'd prefer to stay at the first stage of the practice until you're ready to move on. You will need a yoga brick to balance on.
Restorative: Full Body Airing
A very peaceful guided restorative sequence, just a couple of poses and more focus on the meditative aspects of this very quiet practice. A brilliant way to end the day. You will need two blocks or a bolster.