Pause For Reflection


The countdown to Christmas is on and isn’t life getting busy? It may seem like there’s no time for anything right now, what with all the Christmas socialising, organising and buying going on.


I’ve just made the most of the Yule period to escape to the beach for a week. It was cold, windy but staggeringly beautiful. And just brilliant for blowing out the cobwebs and doing lots of yoga and walking. It was also a wonderful time to reflect, with my family, on the year, and to enjoy some peace before christmas shenanigans begin.

During the festive period, we can all go into overload – overload of expectations, excitement, drink, parties, rich food – and it can all just seem a bit much. If you’re looking for a way to steady yourself and find a little calm amidst it all, this could be the time to find Mindfulness. And there’s no better time than when you feel like you couldn’t fit another thing on your plate to start.

Just when each day feels crammed full from morning to night, is the time to very consciously set aside just five minutes a day to just feel what you feel and start to learn to become a little more aware every day, the days start to feel so much brighter, and things which would have overwhelmed you, might start to feel a bit more manageable.

Our new Mindfulness Challenge is also out on our YouTube Channel, so as a little gift to you, everyone can get to try out these short mindfulness snippets. Please do subscribe to our YouTube Channel where snippets of our videos and sometimes full length videos get put on there twice a week. It’s been a real labour of love making sure the YouTube channel looks enticing and putting everything on there. I hope you enjoy!

With love,
Kat and Team MFML xx

ps. as Christmas gets closer, don’t forget you can Give the Gift of Movement: Subscribers get 50% off all gift subscriptions.


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