The Importance of Rest | Kat’s Movement Mission


This last week was the Autumn Equinox – so happy equinox to you!!

The lovely thing about the equinox is that it reminds us of the importance of rest and balance.

As wise teacher Kirsty Norton reminded me, nature has things right.

There seems to be a right time for everything. 

A time for the abundance, the playfulness of summer.

Then Autumn is a time for taking stock.

Squirrels around me are squirrelling their acorns away ready for the winter.

The tops of the trees are starting to prepare to fall.

So the balance of the seasons and the natural order of life continues.

Us human animals somehow seem to think that the natural order of things doesn’t apply.

Just because we created concrete and decided to pour it all over the land, we often seem to think that we can ignore the signals of the earth.

So the equinox makes us realise that yes, it’s September which means we’re all back at our desks.

Hopefully with a spring in our step from the summer, but we also need to balance our workload.

We need to squirrel some energy away.  

We need to take a break from our work, we need to keep our energy and work balanced.

Whilst you’re in the middle of your busy day, we often think that the most productive thing to do would be to stay busy, keep going, keep typing, keep trying.

But mostly, the best thing you can do is to take a step back from your work and restore.

Take frequent, productive, short breaks away from your keyboard and chances are that your work will improve.

Mimi has come up with this fab work and study break series.

Maybe because she’s just finished studying for her MA at SOAS in MA in Traditions of Yoga and Meditation (congratulations, Mimi).

This series very cleverly integrates Yoga with Qigong practices to restore energy levels during the day.

When we reach a lull in our work and we’re tempted to reach for tea and biscuits, instead just move onto your mat and start one of these classes.

You might be amazed at how your work improves.

With love

Kat and Team MFML


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