10 weeks to establish a 10 minute daily meditation practice
4th January – 8th March 2022
Start the new year in the way you want to continue; join our friendly community to keep you accountable and motivated, and stick to your daily meditation routine.
Last year, we ran a course called ‘Finding Happiness’ which was about the philosophy behind meditative and contemplative practices, and the benefits we might glean from meditation. This course is different. This course is a nuts and bolts approach. This is the practical side of meditation rather than the philosophical discussion around it and the mind.
Establishing a consistent new meditation practice or maintaining an erratic existing practice is much easier with a supportive group to practice with. It is much easier to stick to your new commitment until it becomes part of your every day routine. Believe it or not, eventually your meditation practice won’t be a chore, it will be something you don’t want to miss out on.
The teacher for this course is founder of Yoga Like Water and MFML teacher, Dan Peppiatt. Dan has been exploring meditation of various forms for over 25 years and has made every mistake you can possibly imagine, and probably still has a lifetime of more mistakes to make yet! But he is pretty good at pointing out the common pitfalls before you fall into them yourself and being someone that likes to trim things down to their simplest form. Together in these sessions, we will navigate a path around a lot of the gumpf and dressing that seems to make meditation far more complicated than it needs to be.
Going from the very basics of how to sit, when to do it and where to practice, we will unpick a part of the meditation process each week, with exercises to do during each session, so we can gradually work out the best way for each practitioner to practice – how, when and what. There will also be an online, closed and friendly facebook group to ask questions and get daily support.
The one hour sessions will run every Tuesday at 7pm (GMT) for ten weeks from 4th January 2022.
All sessions will take place live on Zoom and you can access the recording for 14 days after. Or, you can purchase the on-demand bundle which gives you access to the live sessions and lifetime access to the recordings.
The Schedule
Week 1: What is Meditation?
4 January
- Why ten minutes in ten weeks? The value of little and often
- Why do we want to practice? Our lifelong misunderstanding
- Why we begin with concentration?
- Methods for finding focus
Week 2: External Distractions
11 January
- What are external distractions and how can we work around them?
- Getting comfortable and finding a posture that works for you
- Preparing the body to be still
- Observing stillness and lack of it!
Week 3: Internal Distractions
18 January
- Types of internal distraction and why they are totally normal
- Accepting distraction without attachment or resistance
- Sleepiness and excitement
- Simple tools for when you are tired or easily distracted
Week 4: The Power of Breath
25 January
- The breath as a mirror to the mind
- Adapting breath to calm the mind
- Breath for meditation
- Two simple meditative breaths
Week 5: As Without So Within – ‘With Our Thoughts We Create the World’
1 February
- What is somatics and why is it so important for a calm state of mind?
- Observing the effect of environment on the mind
- Journaling your day to establish optimum meditation conditions
- Healthy patterns for a calmer mind
Week 6: Developing Consistency – Devoting Yourself to the Practice
8 February
- Clever techniques to keep you on the path
- Why do we keep wandering off during meditation?
- Common questions and a chance to go over other questions that have been building up
- A longer practice together
Week 7: Mindfulness v Meditation
15 February
- What is the difference and how does mindfulness work?
- Taking your practice out into the everyday
- Putting mindfulness into action
Week 8: Nurturing Positive States of Mind
22 February
- Why self compassion has to come first
- Growing greater compassion and empathy for yourself and others
- Active meditations to improve positivity
Week 9: Working With Negative States of Mind
1 March
- Why we should be working with negative states of mind, not against them
- Exploring the emptiness of anger and fear
- Looking deeply into negative states of mind
- Taking care of anger, fear and other negative emotions
Week 10: Moving Forwards From Here
8 March
- Methods to keep on the path
- Things that might arise
- Finding balance in your practise and not pushing too hard
Dan believes that you can’t teach yoga or meditation; you can only facilitate other peoples’ journey to find a perfectly organic way of practicing for them, something that he calls ‘Yoga Like Water’. He is just as likely to be found experimenting with these concepts free-diving; surfing; on a slack-line or rock face as in yoga. You may wish to check out Dan’s Ten Day Breath Challenge here.
Access to the live sessions and the recording for 14 days after each session
Access to the live sessions and lifetime access to the recordings
If you have any questions about this online course with Dan, drop us a message on support@movementformodernlife.com
Terms & Conditions
Practicing safely
The live online workshops are for your education and your enjoyment only. You are participating in the live classes at your own risk. You are encouraged to to take breaks when needed and/or when in doubt, don’t do sequences that you are even a little concerned about. If you have any health condition, please seek medical advice before taking any form of exercise. If you have any concerns, please let us know before the workshop starts.
If you feel unwell in any way or if you experience any discomfort during class, please stop the class and consult your health practitioner immediately. Remember that yoga is mostly a journey off the mat and into life, and it is a journey about taking responsibility for our own actions and cultivating self-knowledge. Only choose exercises which will nurture and support you, and please take responsibility for yourself and your current abilities during your practice. Remember that each day is different, and even if yesterday you were able to perform a movement, that is no indicator that the same exercise is possible today. Please move within your comfortable limits and if you’re in any doubt whatsoever, please seek medical advice.
We are not medical practitioners and we do not seek to offer medical advice. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before starting any new exercise. This is particularly important if you have any limiting condition or are, pregnant, nursing, regularly taking medications, or have any existing medical conditions. We do not accept any liability whatsoever for any injury or damage, either during or after this retreat. Your participation in this retreat is entirely voluntary and at your own risk, and you agree to abide by the T&Cs of Movement for Modern Life.
Your secure payment will reserve your place on this very intimate, special online retreat. No refunds will be made.
Your data
By signing up to the online retreat, you consent to us adding your name and email address to our marketing database. If you do not wish to receive emails from us outside of this retreat, please do let us know and we will be sure to remove you from our database.
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