As we move into renewal, how are you getting along with 2019? I don’t know about yours, but mine, and that...
2019 Yoga Retreat with Movement for Modern Life – FULLY BOOKED
A good reason to treat yourself to a yoga retreat
Jo Thornill, founder of Yoga Explorers explains the importance of learning to rest and why taking a break...
Kat Off The Mat | Moving With Healthy Curiosity
There are so many inspirational messages flying around post-new years resolutions. And I love the fact that...
Sauerkraut recipe
Sauerkraut is included in the menu every day of our 7 day Cellular Renewal Challenge. It’s such an incredible...
5 Reasons why a yoga teacher training might be right for you | Lucy Parker
How do you decide if a yoga teacher training might be the right step for you? What do you need to weigh up...
3 Tips to Help Cut Down Drinking
One in five of us are moderating or cutting out our alcohol intake these days. Here are some of the reasons...
Creativity and Yoga | Robin Watkins-Davis
Yoga can help our creativity to flow. Teacher Robin Watkins-Davis writes about how yoga informs her artistic...
Kat Off The Mat | A Year of Healthy and Sustainable Living
I wanted to start 2019 with sending you a thank you for supporting us on our journey, from the bottom of my...
Mixing It Up | Try Something New | Rakhee Jasani
Did you know it’s really good idea to try out different yoga styles? It will help you gain fresh insights...
Kat Off The Mat | Happy New Year 2019
As we move into a brand new year, many of us are filled with trepidation and excitement for the opportunity...
5 Easy New Year’s Resolutions to Keep in 2019
We all know that when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, most people fail to stick with them. No matter...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Peaceful Christmas
Happy Christmas Eve – for those who celebrate. And for those who don’t, happy peaceful period. I...
6 Tips for Finding Peace During Times of Stress | Casey Gill
How do you keep your cool when things feel like they’re crumbling around you? Read on for ways in which...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Calm and Happy Christmas
At this time of year, just a couple of weeks to go before Christmas, and it sometimes seems like the world...