One of the most game-changing attitudes we can adopt, perhaps more powerful than any other single practice,...
Top 5 Gentle Yoga Classes| Kate Blake
Do you ever crave a gentle yoga class to pick you up? Here are 5 of the best yoga classes to brighten and...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Moving Into A State Of Grace
What’s not to love about seeking the ultimate state of grace, the state of all potential encapsulated in...
Wuji: 1 Easy Posture; 5 Great Benefits | Matthew Cohen
Wuji – find focus, strength, calm, healthier bones and connection to life – all in one standing...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Moving Into Freedom
Finding Freedom can be something like finding the meaning of life. Can we tempt you to break free from the...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Ground Down To Rise Up
Do you know what it really means to “ground down” or feel grounded? This month, to celebrate...
5 Ways To Find Ground | Lizzie Reumont
Finding ground can give your whole life purpose and meaning. Here are 5 practical ways to connect with the...
14 Tools To Beat Overwhelm | Lucy McCarthy
Do you find yoga helps you feel more connected to life? Here are 14 tools to enhance that feeling, beat overwhelm...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Moving Dreams Into Reality
If I’d known what I didn’t know I’d never have done it! But as Vidya Heisel explains: ‘If you have...
Find the Courage To Live Your Best Life’s Vision
What are you doing with your life? Is it big enough, great enough, courageous enough? Kat sets the challenge...
10 Ways To Embody Earth In Yoga | Clive Fogelman
Our days can often be consumed with being busy, feeling disconneted. Reset yourself with these ten ways to...
Kat’s Movement Mission | Moving into a Yogic World View
This month we’re celebrating Earth Month and we’re giving 5% of our income to project Danyadara (meaning...
Ten Ways To Help Save Our Environment – Andrea Blumenstein
Turning off the water while brushing your teeth and switching all your lights to energy efficient bulbs are...
Moving Away From Desertification | Kat’s Movement Mission
This April is Earth Month and to celebrate, I’ve decided that 5% of our Revenue for the month will go to...
Why Plant a Tree when you can Plant a Forest? | Andrea Blumenstein
What’s the most important thing you can do for the future? Here’s how a not-for-profit organisation is...