Moving Into a New Perspective | Kat’s Movement Mission


Can you find it hard to see a situation in a new light? Can you change your perspective? Would it perhaps help you? This week, Kat shares how changing perspective helps.

Summer is the time for many of us to go away on holiday. I’ve just been for a lovely break in Dartmoor, where, despite the grisly whether and impending storm, I found myself deciding to work towards the highest peak I could see.

There seems to be something about human nature that’s in search of the highest peak, is it all just for the view? Or something else?

For me, there’s something magical about the change of perspective. Of seeing the landscape from atop, from seeing towns and villages made small, the sky big and the undulations of the earth from afar. And this reminds me very much of yoga.

In yoga, we change our perspective by going upside-down, by challenging ourselves, by gaining new views of our limbs, and finding the outer limits of our mind. We change our perspective of our breath, on how we feel on the inside, and that has such a dramatic effect on how we see others and the world from the outside.

We really do see life differently in yoga.

And of course that’s the practice – it’s a practice of gaining perspective on our life, of seeing what we’re up to, of being conscious in our choices and life decisions.

Summer is a wonderful time to take a look back on the first half of your year and just take a little audit – what’s working for you, what’s not. What would you be proud of yourself for doing, and what did you rather wish you didn’t spend the time on.

See if you can change your perspective during your practice this summer, be it at home practicing in the garden, in a new place making the most of sunshine, or going on your travels with our App.

>>We love this practice to help us change perspective, get playful and turn our fear on its head. Join Zephyr for this Fearless Inversion practice>>

inversions for fearlessness

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