Yoga Anytime | Kat’s Movement Mission


The third part of our series in committing to your home yoga practice is all about tales of the unexpected.

Let’s face it, life seems to be mostly one big tale of the unexpected!

Of course there are always the big out of the blue life challenges – which for me have come in the form of my husband of 16 years leaving me out of the blue, being involved in a serious car accident, giving up my career as a lawyer and unexpectedly losing my dog to cancer.

We’ve all had unexpected ‘big’ life events, many of these events cause a life transition and transformation, life will simply never be the same again afterwards.

But the smaller, daily unexpected events are the things that are almost more important to our lives.

Because these are the things that disrupt our daily habits and good intentions. When we have everything planned, prepared and prepped, class is chosen, mat is rolled out – and then, little one gets ill in the morning or you get that early morning  work call which throws your best intentions.

So my third tip for week three of your commitment to your home practice  is to prepare for the unexpected and don’t be afraid to get spontaneous.

Think you’re too busy to practice and your plans have been disrupted? So how about trying to dive onto the mat for just a 2 minute class from the Fire Challenge series during the course of the day.

Everyone has 2 minutes, and I firmly believe that the very act of just getting on the mat every single day is helpful, even if you literally just have 2 minutes. And you never know, once you’re on there, you may find that you have 5 or 10 or even 20 minutes and ta-dah! There’s your practice time all sorted.  Often, in the middle of a haphazard daily life you might find the most lovely, and much needed, 10 minutes of lunchtime, tea-time or perhaps night-time practice so that even on the most disrupted days, you get the precious moments you need for yourself.

>>Let us know how your getting along on our Facebook Movers Page>>

Anytime. Anywhere. Any Wear.


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