Kat’s Movement Mission | Our Brand New Yoga Course


How does yoga make you feel? Really? Next time you roll out your yoga mat and get on it to practice, if only for ten minutes – take a minute to check in beforehand. How do you feel?

yoga course

Before your practice, how do you feel? And then, after your 2 minutes on the mat, or 10 minutes or 90 minutes – how do you then feel?

Sometimes it’s so hard to get the motivation to really commit to our daily practice. But how I do it, is that I simply remember how I feel after I practice – so that it’s a choice just based on the value that my practice adds to my life.

Get Spacious

I know that for me, I tend towards anxiety, stress and overwhelm – that’s just the kind of person I am . But I just know that after my daily practice I feel more spacious, energised but grounded and calm – a very different kind of energy to the shot of coffee which I’m also tempted towards.

But the coffee energy leads me to a rushing, to an increase in my anxiety (much as I adore coffee!). Now my practice is like the opposite. I don’t always love to get on the mat. In fact, there are usually a zillion things I’d rather do and are more urgent to do. But it’s a bit like brushing my teeth – not an option to not do, even if, like my teeth, it’s just for a few minutes a couple of times a day. Not a biggie for something which adds so much happiness, spaciousness and freedom to my body and mind every day.

The Day Breaker Course

Anyway, the reason for reminding you, and myself – why I practice every day is that I’m thilled to be launching – for summer, when I KNOW it’s so hard to keep to a daily practice – a new YOGA COURSE!! 


This is BRAND NEW for MFML!!! It’s a course! Not a challenge – so you won’t be bugged by our daily emails – but you will get to a page where you can get an overview of the classes on the course– which is a morning yoga course, designed for you to get your daily practice every morning.

How do you like your vinyasa?

It means that you don’t need to waste time scrolling on the site, you can just go to the course home page and ta-dah, off you go!! This, our very first course is with amazing Nikita. It’s not super-easy. It’s for folks who are mobile and have an existing practice (who are improvers and like their Vinyasa moderately feisty). But it’s accessible. And not super–tough. Because it is the summer, and it is the holidays!!

I really hope you’re as excited about this new improvement to the site and the first of our courses as I am. I really do hope you love it!

Stay in touch!

Let us know how you get along on the Movers Group – our support group just for subscribers and teachers to inspire and support each other.



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