Meditation › Toby Ouvry
Meditation lies at the heart of yoga and is a practice requiring a single pointed focus. There are many different ways to meditate: with the repetition of mantras, listening to sound or on the breath or with the use of imagery or through visualisation. It is also a great practice for stress and anxiety
Wanting Things Too Much: Mindfulness Meditation
This short mindfulness meditation will teach you how to transform attachments, both negative and positive, into something more healthy. Perfect for a way of looking at relationships, or your relationship with anything you feel a clingyness to, you'll learn how to observe and relax with your attachment. Instead of either clinging to the positive or negative attachments, you'll be able to mindfully feel a lightness on your attachment, a technique to take into your daily life.
Wanting Things Too Much: The Theory
The third and final module in our series on stress transformation. Toby's discourse on attachments, pleasures and enjoyments prepares you for the accompanying meditation.
Transforming Anger: Mindfulness Meditation
Change the emotional power of anger into a positive force with this simple but effective meditation including visualisations, breathwork and other mindfulness techniques. Designed to be watched with Toby's accompanying theory talk.
Transforming Anger: The Theory
Discover ways to transform negative anger into positive power in this mindfulness discourse with Toby Ouvry.
Transforming Stress: Mindfulness Meditation
A beautiful, short mindfulness exercise on how to transform stress, anxiety and fear into something positive. A really useful mindfulness class with techniques to take into daily life to transform stressful feelings through actions.
Transforming Stress: The Theory
Discover how mindfulness can turn stress on its head in this first of three modules on stress transformation. Toby’s mindfulness discourse preapres you for the practical exercises in the accompanying video.