Restorative Yoga › 30 to 45 mins
Yoga for Restful Sleep
This peaceful, calming yoga class for sleep relaxes both body the mind with restorative yoga postures to ease tension. Try this class before bed to invite a restful state before drifting off peacefully into a deep sleep. Research has highlighted how important sleep is for cognitive health and longevity; it helps our body repair and heal, our nervous system to recharge and our mind to reset by letting go of the day’s concerns. You will need a bolster, eye pillow and a blanket.
Flow and Restore 2
This nourishing yoga class starts with a gentle warm up, followed by vinyasa yoga flow to stretch, strengthen and move the body in order to prepare for stillness. The second part of the class is very nourishing and supportive restorative yoga. This yoga class is a wonderful opportunity to strike balance between movement and stillness, challenge and softness, effort and effortlessness. Check out Clive’s first Flow & Restore class.
Restorative Yoga: Inner Knowing
This restorative yoga class brings our attention to rest at the crown of the head (Sahasrara). Start in seated meditation using visualisation, and then expand your presence with a restorative downward facing dog. You will need access to a wall (or edge of bed or sofa) for the deeply restorative legs up the wall pose followed by a deep body scan to close practice. You will need blankets, eye pillows or covering, bricks and a bolster. Pregnant practitioners: after the 30 week mark, downward facing dog should be practiced for periods of 30 seconds or less, or rest in child’s pose.
Restorative Yoga: Inner Vision
This restorative yoga class brings awareness to inner vision, the third eye (Ajna); the intuition, the way of seeing and perceiving the world. With three poses and a breath practice, this class creates clarity and can be practiced at any time of day. Suitable for all levels and bodies, a calming practice to call you into deep presence and inner knowing.
Restorative Yoga: Listening In
This restorative yoga class brings your awareness to the throat energy centre. (Vishuddha). This energy centre is commonly connected to how we express ourselves, but this class will explore how we listen and respond. Not suitable for those with any upper spine/ neck injuries. Suitable for women in their second and third trimesters. You will need an eye pillow, blanket, bolster and blocks.
Restorative Yoga: Open to Love
A very gentle restorative yoga class. Starting with self-massage, explore the use of touch and breath to gently open the heart to the fullness of life. Followed by simple gentle and nourishing restorative yoga poses to open the chest, bringing presence to rest at your heart space (Anahata). You will need a bolster, block and blanket. Suitable for all.
Restorative Yoga: Pause to Feel
This restorative yoga class is designed to cultivate awareness through the pelvis, lower belly and sacral plexus; the home of the creative energy centre (Svadhishthana). Poses in this yoga class focus on the back, the lower belly and the legs, and are intended to create space to allow the energy to flow fluidly through this energy centre. It starts with low lunges, moving to a restorative child’s pose and then you'll need a clear wall for ‘legs up the wall’ pose.
Pregnancy Restorative Yoga with Nidra
A really relaxing yoga class of gentle movements followed by yoga nidra. This class doesn't need a yoga mat and can be done in limited space or even in bed. Start with seated joint mobility, restorative forward folds and hip openers, all preparing your mind and body for total relaxation through the practice of yoga nidra. A great practice for when you are feeling tired, in need of a 'yogic power nap' or to prepare you for bedtime. Options for using bolsters to support are used, but you can use pillows or cushions as well. This is a pregnancy yoga class, specially created for mums-to-be to be able to find time to relax, but you may also want to try this is you're not pregnant for deep relaxation.
The Sacred Pause
The shorter, darker days are coming, this practice is an invitation to honour the call to pause. In this practice we will be exploring savasana’s variations, where you can fully rest. Note: if you are pregnant, I would advise remaining in the first pose of this sequence for the length of this. Unless you are still in the first trimester and feel comfortable transitioning onto your back for the second pose.
Restore yourself: Drop into stillness
A great yoga class to end a frantic day. This class winds you down and prepares you to drop into deep peaceful sleep. With hatha and restorative poses, this class is a great way into a settled and calming evening. Class starts standing with gentle neck rolls, then gentle hip stretches and finally lying down in long holds so you can drop into a meditative state. Although class calls for two bolsters, rolled blankets or cushions will work just as well.
Quiet Time 1: At Peace With Yourself
This Yin yoga practice is a great way of finding some quiet time, exploring the inner body and cultivating qualities of attention. You will hold poses for minutes whilst you focus on your breathing and your inner world. You will need two blocks.
Restorative Yoga
A very peaceful restorative class which which great for giving yourself some nurture at the end of a busy day. Great to help you to relax before you go to sleep, only a few, deep poses and plenty of guided visualisations/meditations. You will need cushions or a bolster.
Restorative Sequence
Supported Practice for Slow Days
A restorative sequence featuring passive inversions to relax the brain. Attention is turned inward and focus turned on the breath to calm and restore the nervous system. This practice will be perfect for relaxing you before bed, but also great practice if you've done your exercise or 100 sun salutations and just want the yoga to work its magic. You will need access to a wall, blocks and a bolster.
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