Moving Into Spring | Kat’s Movement Mission


This week we’ll be celebrating the Spring equinox, yay!!! Finally, in these chilly, norther climes we get to start to celebrate annual renewal and hope.


This time of year is the start of the astrological calendar, and has traditionally been seen as the start of the year. So the great news about this time of year is that if the last few months since January have been tougher than you hoped, if your new year resolves are out the window – this is the perfect time to shake it all out, renew and start right over again.

Second Chances

I just love second chances and the thought that we get to re-create, shinier and better, the reality that we made a start on at the beginning of the year. And with the seasons and nature now working alongside us, in their time of renewal and re-growth it seems like there is a natural conspiracy that we should be able to be given second chances to start the year afresh.


Maybe it’s a small change you’d like to make? Maybe you’d just like to be able to deal with your kids/spouse/friends with more kindness, or maybe it’s a bigger change you’re seeking.

Tell us about it!

I’d love to hear what that change might be, how your yoga practice works for you as a transformational practice- be it just physical or something else, and aye you’d like to follow us on Facebook to check out my Friday fabulousness live videos and all the other cool stuff about the site and our teachers we put on there.

Yoga Springtime Challenge

I’d love to recommend you to re-connect to your daily yoga practice with our Spring Challenge. We have two challenges, depending on your practice right now  – the all-levels, and the feisty Spring Challenge.

If you start the Spring Challenge today, do join along with us on our private Facebook group just for our Movers.



If you’d prefer just a 10-minute stand-alone class to celebrate spring, then do try this class with Lizzie Reumont, Blossoming Into Joy!

A short, gentle hatha yoga class, perfect to start the day, or for whenever you need a short burst of rejuvenation. You’re planing new seeds of joy and lightness into your day.




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