In this article Clive Fogelman explores the importance of both stretching and strengthening when training...
Author Archives: Rakhee Jasani
Working constructively with anxiety | Kelly Hearn
In the second part of her introduction to anxiety, psychotherapist Kelly Hearn examines how to work constructively...
An introduction to working with anxiety | Kelly Hearn
Psychotherapist Kelly Hearn offers an introduction to working with anxiety and how to manage a reactive nervous...
5 ways yoga supports breast cancer treatment | Marcia Mercer
Marcia Mercier discovered yoga after a diagnosis of breast cancer. She shares her experiences of how yoga...
Foraging and Feasting
Early autumn is the perfect time to go foraging and put together foraged feasts. Mushrooms, berries, windfalls,...
3 ways yoga helps with anxiety | Vanessa Michielon
@yogaandphoto Yoga and Photo by Cecille Vanessa Michielon explores the 3 ways yoga helps with anxiety....
How to use your feet in yoga
How much do you think about your feet when you are doing yoga? In this article, three yoga teachers share...
Post lockdown exhaustion: 5 ways to deal with the fatigue
Photo by Eugene Chystiakov on Unsplash Have you been feeling tired or anxious as restrictions ease? You’re...
What is yoga nidra?
Have you ever felt a deep sense of peace in a guided relaxation as you float between wakefulness and sleep?...
3 ways to practice ahimsa in modern life
It can be tricky to apply yoga philosophy to modern life. In this article we explore how we can fold in ahimsa...
Yoga and Compassion
Have you ever wondered about the link between yoga and compassion? In this article, we explore the philosophical...
A Somatic approach to your yoga practice
Have you been intrigued by the increasing number of somatic practices that are appearing? A little unsure...
What is progress? In Life and in yoga | Kate Walker
How do you view progress? In yoga, do you feel like bigger is better and what about life? Read on to find...
How can yoga help us feel our emotions | Adam Hocke
@yogaandphoto How does yoga make you feel? Do you turn to yoga to escape from feeling your difficult emotions?...
The importance of sustainability in the beauty industry
Do you know how to tell the difference between a green beauty product and a greenwashed beauty product? In...