There is no success where there’s no happiness.
I’m not sure how you got into yoga, meditation, mindfulness and movement practices. But my main reason was that it was such a breath of fresh air.
School years had made me feel that moving was PE which was just a bit of a nightmare.
Failure to get into teams, to pass the ball, to get the rules of the game, freezing cold pitches and bullying teachers – I don’t think that I’m alone in finding my early years of movement scarring.
So at the age of 18 when I discovered yoga, that you could move just for the hell of it, and it made you feel just amazing, it was a bit of a revelation!!
And as I grew up, and life presented various challenges, I realised that yoga was a very important tool in my toolkit for dealing with both physical and mental challenges in life.
So when my husband left me very suddenly, my mat offered amazing solace.
Just moving slowly and gently seemed to start to heal my spirit. It’s at times when we are having a spiritual breakdown, or just feeling upset or sometimes we’re feeling down for no particular reason.
At these times, yoga, mindfulness, meditation and movement, can be of amazing comfort. It has been to me.
World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the aim of raising awareness of mental health issues and encouraging efforts to support better mental health.
I am delighted that issues of mental health are being taken more seriously by society as a whole. If we’re not happy, what are we, after all?
There is no success where there’s no happiness.
I hope you’ve found that you can search by emotions on the site – Move into Happiness, Calm and Confidence and away from Heartbreak and Anger.
I do hope that you’ve explored these and that our classes serve as an inspiration to darken any cloudy moments and bring joy to your life.
As ever, let us know how you get along on the Movers Group.
With love
Kat and Team MFML
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