Thanks to MFML, I have just had a week long private yoga retreat and it was truly transformative in many ways. I...
Are we all addicted?
Last time, Zephyr explained how the brain works and how it’s relevant for our need for comfort and the...
Addiction: A Formula for Positive Change
This is part 3 in a useful flight of blog posts by Zephyr Wildman. This time, she shares a formula for positive...
Celebrating Here And Now | Kat’s Movement Mission
This week I’m thinking about my nearest and dearest and those who I love who have been affected by cancer. Thinking...
Movement is the Song of the Body | Kat’s Movement Mission
This week we’re very proud to announce a brand new teacher to Movement for Modern Life, Catherine Annis....
Why I don’t focus on a specific pose | Catherine Annis
We’d like to introduce you to one of our newest teachers, Catherine Annis. She tells us how she fell...
10 Easy Ways to Save the Planet
Going green is easier than you think. There are small things you can do daily to help reduce greenhouse gases...
addiction and the brain
When the word “addicted” comes up, our thoughts go to the obvious like alcohol and drugs but other,...
Five Yoga Poses To Help Relieve And Improve Back Pain
Jayne’s blog on back pain alerted us to the importance of movement in keeping a healthy spine. Here...
How do I handle my partner’s constant criticism? | CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIP Q&A
Q: I’m fed up of being constantly criticised by my husband.
Sometimes, he’ll criticise me directly,...
Where Does Yoga Fit in with a Baby?
Having a baby is one of the biggest life changes and transitions. Fitting yoga in with a small one is a challenge...
Making the World a Better Place
I have shared yoga with children for so many years now there is no question for me that it is my dharma in...
Preparing to Move On | Kat’s Movement Mission
As the saying goes, if you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail. Many folks I speak to say that they can’t...
The Teacher | Poem
Poetry can evoke and describe emotion in such an eloquent way. This beautiful verse reminds us how we can...
How Yoga & Mindfulness Helps Children
Jyoti Jo has taught children for 15+ years, she explains how yoga and mindfulness are key for children these...