Prenatal Online Yoga Classes | Helen Krag


Yoga provides valuable support in pregnancy. This article by Helen Krag offers suggestions of prenatal online yoga classes and ways to adapt and accommodate your practice.

Pregnancy is a special time when the body undergoes significant changes. It can bring a heightened awareness of the need to take care of our physical, mental and emotional needs. The practice of yoga supports us to do that, embracing what our body is able to do, whilst honouring the magical transformation into motherhood.

Our Yoga for Pregnancy classes are designed and taught by specialists in prenatal yoga, including:

Those new to yoga are advised to seek advice from an appropriate healthcare professional before taking up prenatal yoga. It’s important for everyone to follow medical advice when it comes to yoga practice at this key time.

Be sure to remain present and listen to your body (and your baby).

“Remember, pregnancy is not a time to progress your practice. It is a time to slow down, be present and accept the changes that are happening to you and your baby.”

Sally Parkes

Prenatal Yoga and Pilates Course with Vanessa Michielon is available online. Allow Vanessa to guide you through each of the trimesters with yoga, pilates and breathwork to help you stay strong, address pregnancy niggles and nourish your body.

Here are our top picks of prenatal online yoga classes (organised by trimester):

Prenatal Yoga Classes: First Trimester

For some mums-to-be, doctors advise getting as much rest as possible in the first trimester. This Pregnancy Restorative Yoga & Meditation with Lucy comprises one comfortable position which will allow the body to rest and renew.

Prenatal Pilates: Strengthen and Energise Your Core with Vanessa is perfect for staying strong in the first two trimesters. Be sure to connect deeply with your breath and move mindfully. This is a strong class, so go at your own pace, modify and rest when you need to.

Prenatal Online Yoga Classes: Second Trimester

As baby grows, it can start to feel quite crowded in there! It gets harder to take a full breath, and your bump and waist may feel tight. Make Room for Baby and Breath with Nikita will reintroduce some space and comfort to your mid-body and provide tips to help create mental and emotional spaciousness during this precious time.

Pregnancy Yoga: Truth and Trust with Lucy focuses on deep, inner listening to be able to trust the process of your pregnancy and acknowledge your own truth. Suitable for those who already have a yoga practice and are in the second trimester.

Prenatal Online Yoga Classes: Third Trimester

Support and soothe your pregnant body with Nikita in this Restorative Yoga for Pregnancy class. With restorative yoga, less is more. Spending extended time in each posture carries physical and physiological benefits.

This class on Optimal Foetal Positioning with Sally is intended for 6 weeks or so before the birth to try to encourage your baby into the correct position for a healthy and easeful delivery (known as ‘optimal foetal positioning’).

Prenatal Online Yoga Classes: All Trimesters

Pregnancy has an interesting habit of drawing our attention to certain parts of the body at different times! Give your Shoulders and Spine some love in this class with Sally. A short sequence of simple poses that will help open up the chest, shoulders and back of the body.

Or choose to Nourish Your Whole Body via this slow and gentle sequence with Vanessa which promotes mobility and strength. Full of mindful variations, you can adapt your practice to what feels best for you today.


Whether you have been pregnant before, or this is your first time, enjoy this opportunity to nourish yourself with extra self-care and prepare your body and mind for childbirth.

For more tips check out Yoga in Pregnancy, an article by Joanna Gilbert. It charts the benefits of practising yoga in pregnancy and examines adaptations to help you accommodate changes in the body into your practice.

Author: Helen Krag. Helen is a health and wellness enthusiast; observer of human behavioural change; yoga teacher trainee; passionate traveller; and lover of the outdoors.


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