Kids Yoga
Our Yoga with Kids section encourages you to do your yoga, move, sing and have fun with your kids. You are responsible for your kids, these videos are to give you ideas to work with with your children and are not meant for your children to play with without your full supervision.
Have fun with your family - plenty of movement, singing and dancing is great for all of us at all ages, even kids!
Mum and Baby Yoga Class
A short, gentle yoga class with your baby to open and stretch your body with simple twists and side body openings. Perfect for new mums who are short on time, and with some play and interaction with your babe. You will need a blanket for baby to lie on.
Mum And Baby In A Hurry
For when you're really short on time, or you don't think baby has the attention span for a full class, this 'In a Hurry' Mum and Baby Yoga Class is here for you. With simple stretches to help you keep strong and fleixble during those first few months, and taking time to connect with baby.
Mum and Baby: Move with Your Baby
This mum and baby yoga class is suitable for babies from 5 - 7 months old. It's all about following your baby's lead, connecting with each other, and seeing where the stretches take you! You'll move gently with your breath whilst both mum and baby get some stretches. Plenty of ideas of how to incorporate yoga into your baby's life at an early stage, making both mum and baby happier and more relaxed.
Fun Partner Yoga
This fun partner yoga class light hearted, because yoga doesn't have to be serious, and a lovely activity to do with friends and family. Class starts off with breathing together, then solo warm up and continues with various partner poses including, paired warrior, plank, downdog, twists and forward folds. Ends with guided relaxation. This class will make you laugh, play and have fun!
Yoga for 7-10 year olds: The Ha-Ri-Om Song! Singalong
The Ha-Ri-Om Song! Singalong Yoga with Little ones. Teach your kids to learn to breathe, sing and love themselves with some beautiful yoga songs.
Yoga Relaxation For Kids
Give your kids a pause in the day. When things are getting over-excited, why not try kid’s yogic relaxation? Especially suitable for children aged 3-6.
Yoga for 3-6 year olds: I Love Me
Teach your kids deep-seated self-acceptance, confidence in the world with this yoga for kids class with singing, movement and breathing all around the theme of 'I Love Me!' and ending with teaching your kids to send love out to the world!
Yoga for Kids: 7-10 year olds Singalong and Move Together
A joyful children's yoga class starting with some singing, and then moving together for children. Some fun bending, stretching, moving and singing. Sure to be a lot of fun and bring about a deep calm with your kids!
Yoga for 3-6 year olds: Make Yoga Fun
Making yoga for children fun. This class starts with some singing, hand movements and gentle, fun movements with the children.
Yoga for Teens
This is yoga class is designed for parents and 9-15 year olds. Jo offers fun ways to move together, clear out anything stuck or dull and get energised. There's plenty of movement through sun salutes,backbends, some partner work and a fabulous guided relaxation to finish. You are responsible for making sure that you are watching your kids' safety at all times - this is your class, not for use by kids, but feel free to let them join in your fun!
Mum and Baby Yoga
This class is for you to enjoy with your baby. Sally shows us ways we can stretch with your baby. After having a baby gentle stretches will help you to become a more mindful, fitter mum for all the picking up and work you're doing. This class incorporates your baby as part of the class and shows you how you can incorporate your baby as part of the class. Sally also shows us some nice stretches to relax your baby.
Yoga For Kids 2-5: Stretchalong
This is a great class if you'd like to take some inspiration for your kids to get moving and stretching out. Remember to watch the kids, take full responsibility for them, and yourself. You are responsible for making sure that you are watching your kids' safety at all times - this is your class, not for use by kids, but feel free to let them join in your fun!
Yoga For Kids 2-5: Alltogether
This class is for the whole family to get moving, stretching and breathing and enjoying some fun together. Remember that this class is for you to watch and for you to decide what you want your kids to do, always take full responsibility for their actions (as well as your own!).
Yoga For Kids 2-5: Singalong
This class is great for om-ing along with your tiny tots, teaching them the fun and power of breath, singing and moving when you sing! You are responsible for making sure that you are watching your kids' safety at all times - this is your class, not for use by kids, but feel free to let them join in your fun!
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