
  • Chanting and Gratitude for a Positive Mindset11:03
    Chanting and Gratitude for a Positive Mindset

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Wake up and start the day with a positive mindset from the Jivamukti method. How you start your day colours your entire day. This short morning session includes affirmations and gratitude practices to start the best way. Featuring Sanskrit chants to put us in a positive frame of mind, the class then talks us through some gratitude journaling. It’s helpful to have a notebook or journal for this class.

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  • Journaling: Rewrite your Menopause Story10:00
    Journaling: Rewrite your Menopause Story

    Gabriella Espinosa

    It can be helpful to write down your menopause experience, in order to consciously re-write your menopause story. This is a journalling exercise in which you're guided through a series of journaling prompts to reimagine and rewrite your menopause story. Journaling freely and expressively in this way has the added benefit of being a wonderful relaxation tool, and a soothing way to deal with the stressors of daily life. Get curious - what are some of the narratives about menopause that you have internalised and how are they shaping your menopause experience? Journaling helps bring clarity to our experiences by writing down your thoughts and feelings, essentially decluttering your mind, breaking them down into pieces that are easier for you to process emotionally. In this class, Props needed: Yoga mat, journal and pen

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  • Journalling: The Day I Fell19:04
    Journalling: The Day I Fell

    Ash Bond

    This journalling class is inspired by the traditional creation myth of Sky Woman falling to earth. We think of other stories where characters have found themselves in strange, new environments and explore writing exercises around these inspirations and experiences. Journalling is a wonderful skill to learn, helps with our creativity and helps to unblock emotion. We can't recommend journalling as a practice enough, and these classes bring creativity, your inner artist, to the process.

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  • Journalling: The Wild Place21:23
    Journalling: The Wild Place

    Ash Bond

    A journalling class in which we journey to a secret place: a garden of your own creation. We will write through some quick-fire questions before delving into a longer writing exercise. Find a comfortable space, pick up your notebook and get journalling!

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  • Journalling: Your Inner Artist16:33
    Journalling: Your Inner Artist

    Ash Bond

    Journalling is a wonderful opportunity for self-enquiry, creativity and bringing a sense of child-like fun and wonder. This journalling session is an invitation to cast your mind back; who was your favourite artist when you were a child? Perhaps a band? A movie director? In this journalling session, imagine a meeting between your inner artist and yourself as a child. This is especially for those who need a little encouragement in making friends with their inner artist. We know you will enjoy meeting them!

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  • Journalling: The Magic in Everyday18:47
    Journalling: The Magic in Everyday

    Ash Bond

    Open yourself up to creativity and fun with journalling! This journalling class explores the magic of ordinary objects. We can see many examples in literature where ordinary objects are given great importance or power: a stick becomes Harry Potter's magic wand; a playing card becomes the symbol of an evil villain; a golden ring becomes something that can destroy the world! For this session, Ash asks you to collect five objects from your house or garden as inspiration for our journal journey. We highly recommend journalling as a practice, and this class brings your creativity and imagination to the process.

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  • Introduction to Journalling01:59
    Introduction to Journalling

    Ash Bond

    A little introduction to our journalling sessions and will hopefully answer any questions you might have such as 'what will the structure be?' 'How long are the sessions?' 'What exactly IS a journalling sesion?!' I hope this marks the beginning of a wonderful journalling adventure for you. Now, some homework. I would like to find a very special notebook. This is going to be just for you; for your exploration into self. You could choose to share anything that you create within these pages or keep it just for yourself. I wish you all the joy in your journey - and do let me know how you get on!

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