Kat Off The Mat | Moving With Healthy Curiosity


There are so many inspirational messages flying around post-new years resolutions. And I love the fact that everyone is talking about the opportunity to start afresh!

Kat Farrants, healthy

This is my favourite subject really, the possibility each and every one of us has each and every day for making changes, for transforming our own, and other people’s lives.

Our Cells Are Constantly Renewing

I always remember that our cells are constantly renewing and the cells we are born with aren’t the same cells that we die with. Each and every day our cells renew. They have the opportunity to start afresh, they shed that which is no longer relevant and build anew. And the quality of the new cells is a product of the way we choose to live our life. If we move, if we eat less toxins, more organic and less-chemical based food, more plants, and if we choose to live in a house and in an environment which contains less toxins, the cells will be a better quality.

Our Cellular Renewal Challenge

That is the reason why I created the Cellular Renewal Challenge, alongside our wonderful teacher Lizzie Reumont, whose daily yoga class supports your renewal, and vegan, raw food chef, Tanya Mahler. The challenge gives you a daily recipe of raw vegan food and a daily yoga class. We’ve been running the cellular renewal challenge for a number of years now, and it’s perfect for those who want to kick-start their daily practices, but I won’t sell it to you – it’s tough, and especially at this time of year in the UK, eating raw food does not suit many people. I won’t be doing the whole challenge this January as the raw daily meals and de-tox isn’t conducive to my busy work timetable – the challenge does take time, you’ll struggle if you’re having a busy time.

Perhaps try it later on –I’ll be doing it in the summer.

Small Changes

But, I have found the challenge to be really useful in changing the way that I eat on a daily basis. I do use many of the recipes within the challenge and incorporate them into my daily life. I now incorporate the sauerkraut recipe into my meals, and I still start every day with a green smoothie, which I find makes me feel amazing on the inside. I also drink the lemon and ginger drink every day. Again, I just found that I feel so much better when I eat and drink this way and when I don’t, I just don’t feel so good.

Different Ways Of Eating

So if you’re in need of kick-starting your lifestyle, I can thoroughly recommend you start the Cellular Renewal Challenge. Or if you’re not after a kick-start, perhaps just take a look at it and use the challenge in the way that serves you (I’ll be eating the salads alongside lovely warming baked potatoes!) Why not try experimenting with different ways of eating? Perhaps try experimenting with eating more fermented foods, and eating sauerkraut every day for your gut health.

An Attitude of Curiosity

I encourage you to be a little curious about what you’re eating, as well as being curious about your movement practices. Perhaps try something different this year – if you normally practice yoga, try qi-gong. If you like Ashtanga, try Yin. And just see how it feels to eat more raw plants, more fermented food. Our cellular renewal challenge makes that easy for you. After all, the worst that can happen with being curious is that you don’t like it, and then you can go back to your old routines. But I’m sure that if you stay curious this year, you’ll find something that serves you well.

With love
Kat and Team MFML



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