Yoga Courses
We have courses to help you achieve your goals, whether that’s a physical pose, better sleep or simply to learn how to relax into our best selves. Sometimes we need extra motivation to reach our goals. Our courses allow you to explore themed classes at your own pace. Because life is busy enough, it’s nice to be flexible that some days you may fancy doing a few classes, some days none. If flexibility is what you’re after, pick a course that suits your needs and move through our classes.
Yoga for Runners Course
6 Steps
This yoga for runners course is designed to support you with all aspects of your running both in terms of your running experience and how you can recover more efficiently between runs.
Yoga for Skiing
6 Steps
Get strong ready for the ski season and stretch it out post-ski with our yoga for skiing series with Lucy McCarthy.
Playful Yoga: Creative Movement Classes
8 Steps
These playful, unstructured classes from David Kam will help you learn to be more creative, brave and truly move out of your comfort zone.
New Year Yoga Challenge
30 Steps
(Re)commit to doing yoga every day! Take small steps to our 2025 intention of yoga every day with under 30-minutes of yoga each day. Try different styles, different classes, all world-class teachers.
Get Back Into Yoga
14 Steps
Get Back to Your Mat + If your yoga practice has lapsed, or you’ve never been able to build yoga into your daily routine, when is the best time to get back to the mat? Now. Maybe you have fallen out of your usual routines your body and mind will benefit from getting back to a movement practice but it can be hard to make yoga a habit. We understand; we [...]
Micro Stretches
30 Steps
30-day under 10 minutes micro stretches course to feel good and boost mobility + Welcome to Movement for Modern Life: bringing world class teachers into your home with online yoga, meditation and movement classes Love MFML! It has a large variety of videos and a nice way to search for the perfect class to fit your time and desired yoga type. Althoug [...]
Yoga For Back Care
The back may feel like it’s behind us, but in reality, it’s right in the middle of our body, and everything we do, from your head down, impacts the health of our spine, and the health of our spine, will impact the quality of our lives.
21 Days of Morning Yoga Classes
21 Steps
It takes 21 days to form a habit! This course of morning yoga classes are all under 30 minutes, some are only 10 minutes, so you don't need to take long to completely change your whole day.
Pilates for Strength
6 Steps
A strengthening pilates course with Vanessa Michielon which strengthens as it lengthens and tones the whole body.
ReWild Yourself
35 Steps
Step by step this course helps to uncover who we are and rediscover our true, wild, nature, through movement and meditation classes.
Yoga 101
21 Steps
21 classes that help you to find the best alignment for your body.
Staycation with MFML
31 Steps
Online yoga, barre and somatic movement classes to make the most of your staycation.
Strong for Summer
22 Steps
Your essential collection of strengthening classes for the summer.
Forrest Yoga Ceremony
3 Steps
Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco present a groundbreaking trilogy of Shamanic Forrest Yoga classes.
Work Break
30 Steps
Short classes all under 45 minutes to energise.
Barre and Pilates
16 Steps
Join Amy Holly, Sally Parkes & Vanessa Michielon for our energising and strengthening barre and pilates course.
Outdoor Yoga
The Strength Challenge
28 Steps
Classes to help you to build strength and apply your strength to more challenging yoga poses.
Home Pregnancy Retreat
7 Steps
Join Lucy McCarthy & Katarina Rayburn for a Home Yoga Retreat specially for pregnant women.
Home Yoga Retreat 2
Build Courage and Resilience
15 Steps
Strong yoga and deep relaxation for when life is tough.
30 Day Beginner Yoga Challenge
30 Steps
Beginners or returners! Get started now and begin reaping the benefits of daily yoga.
Home Yoga Retreat
Flow towards Happiness
11 Steps
In this Vinyasa Flow Course you will boost your happiness by exploring your character strengths and developing a positive relationship with yourself.
Women's Wellbeing
28 Steps
Learn about the inner seasons of your menstrual cycle and explore each season through classes, yoga nidra and other supportive practices.
Everybody Flows
6 Steps
Find ease in challenge in this vinyasa flow course with Adam Hocke. Learn techniques to find support in the areas that are tight.
New Mums
14 Steps
Feel-good Yoga for new mums.
Yoga At Your Desk
14 Steps
Super short videos to renew your body and mind.
Yoga for Athletes
Cultivating Energy
25 Steps
Explore how yoga and qigong complement each other offering profound energy cultivation.
Build Your Flow
30 Steps
A 30-day course to deepen your Vinyasa Flow.
Just Add Yoga
16 Steps
Adding yoga to your life can help your strength, flexibility, endurance, relaxation and levels of joy.
Yoga to Build Strength
30 Steps
Get strong in body and mind by building your physical strength and personal power.
Start to Flow with Vinyasa Yoga
17 Steps
Develop your understanding of Vinyasa Yoga and start to flow with this 17-day course.
Travel Unravel
7 Steps
Classes to support you to travel mindfully and arrive at your destination calm and centred.
Happy Hour Yoga
21 Steps
Transition mindfully from your working day into the evening.
Sharpen Your Mind
12 Steps
Practices to improve your focus and concentration and enhance your study breaks with yoga.
Day Breaker Course
5 Steps
Nikita Akilapa sets you up with a series of morning classes designed to prepare you for the day ahead.
Finding Freedom
11 Steps
Join Dan Peppiatt and refresh your yoga with this off the mat movement challenge!
Crow Challenge
14 Steps
Get strong, take flight and infuse the rest of your practice with strength and confidence.
Headstand Challenge
31 Steps
Sylvia Garcia shares all you need to get into headstand for the first time or refine and perfect with snazzy variations.
Transformation Course
30 Steps
Join Zephyr Wildman to progress and extend your yoga practice with dynamic flows and deep meditations.
7 Day Fire Challenge
7 Steps
Join Andrea Kwiatkowski and fire up your core for a more courageous you with just 3 - 5 minutes a day.
21 Day Improvers Challenge
How do courses work?