Yoga Pose Tutorials › Daniel Peppiatt
These short tutorials will give you a little heads-up on specific poses (Asana) which you may encounter. We've found them really helpful for fine-tuning, we hope you will too.
(4) Find Your Squat
A tutorial exploring the squat, right and wrong ways to do it and how to build it up for those who don’t squat easily. You may need a low block or a folded blanket/towel and a couple of regular sized blocks.
Crow (2) Flowing Towards Flight
In this video we look at how we might go about best preparing the body and mind for crow pose. Once we understand the individual elements at play in this fun but challenging posture we can create a logical progression to perfect the pose in our own special way. With wrist, arm and core warm ups and moving into one leg crow. You may need a block.
Crow (1) Understanding the Forgotten Handstand
Crow (or Bakasana) is a handstand, although not many of us every consider this! It forms the basis of all hand balances and in this session we take look at the many factors that make crow a challenging position and how we might overcome these and refine our crow pose if we already have one. You may need 2 blocks.
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