Clare Beagley's Yoga Classes
Beginners 1: Move with the breath
Brand new to yoga? Unsure about where to start? Take Clare’s beginners series which is an unfussy approach to the fundamentals. Moving with the breath is the first step in yoga. Clare shows the difference between the natural breath and the “ocean” or Ujaii breath and builds in simple standing, kneeling and supine movements. Class finishes with a short relaxation.
Beginners 2 - Foundation Poses
Clare breaks down some of the fundamental yoga poses: Downward facing dog, lunges and cobra. These are building blocks for "Sun Salutations" that are taught in many yoga classes. Clare shows how to position the body: feet, hands, shoulders and hips, and build the poses with the breath into a flow that we’ll use across the beginners series. Class finishes with a short relaxation.
Beginners 3 - Standing Poses
Standing poses build up strength and steadiness. Clare explains how to build upon the foundations of the feet and breath and use the muscles of the legs to give stability and space. Class builds in the flow we have learned in previous classes. Props: 2 blocks. Coming next Beginners 4: Twist to Unwind ”¦
Beginners 4: Twist to unwind
Twists help you feel yourself again. So whether you’re stiff, stressed-out, sluggish, or plain out of sorts, Clare’s simple twist practice will leave you feeling grounded and re-energised. Perfect for morning or evening. The class ends on a savasana, so feel free to lay down and soak up the practice for as long as you need.
Yoga Through Life's Transitions
This yoga class teaches us how to transition through change in life, big life changes or the changes which touch us in every day life. This class will have you surfing on your ocean breath and enjoying moving through and greeting change head on. This class is dynamic, but you are encouraged to spend time in transitions and enjoy the process of transitioning, rather than the destination. A strong hip focus and plenty of creative, fun variations on the usual poses. You will need a rolled up mat or a block and a strap.
Step Up with Courage
This slow-flow is the perfect step for beginners who want the next challenge. The class is dedicated to finding courage to try new things and use the breath and steady movement as a source of strength. Clare gives a step-by-step guide to open the hips and shoulders to try your first hand balances and tripod headstand. Class starts with a kneeling breath practice. You might need a cushion or a block.
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