Dylan Ayaloo's Yoga Classes
Explore Your Power
Ready to advance your power vinyasa yoga? A more intermediate/advanced level yoga class focusing on balances, where you get to explore your power! You'll explore arm balances and firefly along with some lovely back bending. You'll need two bricks and possibly a strap.
Play with your Power
A more playful intermediate/advanced power vinyasa yoga class. This feisty but fun class includes plenty of backbends, some handstand, moving towards arm balances and wall work. You will need 2 blocks and a strap.
More Power To Your Morning
Get set up and blast some power and energy into your body. A perfect morning practice to just get started! With plenty of vinyasa, this power yoga class is a fantastic way to vinyasa yourself into a great start to your day.
Power Up Your Day
A short but sweet power yoga class to power up the start to your day. Get some power in your body and get ready for the challenges of the day. With plenty of sun salutes and mostly standing poses, this short vinyasa yoga class will get you moving and ready for the day.
Get Powered Up
Start your day the right way with this power yoga class. This power vinyasa class will move you swiftly into the day. With plenty of sun salutations and variations and standing pose, this class will have you feeling energised and invigorated. You may need a strap and a block.
Spacious Spine
A power vinyasa yoga class which focuses on keeping the spine beautifully long and spacious through plenty of deep twists and backbends. Suitable for improvers, there are modifications for those newer to the practice as well as those feeling ready for some deeper backbends, keeping the spine long and spacious. You will need a block.
Live at Hot Power Yoga
This live class was filmed at Hot Power Yoga to celebrate the end of 14 days to HPY-ness. It is a moving celebration of hot power yoga. Dylan moves us from sun salutations through to plenty of warriors for the hips, backbends and forward bends ”“ turn up the heat and enjoy a fast moving power vinyasa class with plenty of challenges. You may need a block.
Go Slow Power Flow
A power flow with a difference - a little bit more soul, a little bit slower, an entry-level class for those new to power yoga. You will be treated to plenty of sun salutations, some lunges, twists a couple of balances and some juicy backbends. You may need a block.
Open The Hips
A hip-focused all-level vinyasa class. Dylan leads a lovely power flow, but with a focus on opening the hips, an area which gets tight so easily and can store all kinds of mischief for our lower backs and knees. Open the hips and the rest will follow!
Upward Facing Dog Pose Tutorial
Dylan shows us up-dog or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, alongside variations which can help alignment in this yoga pose. This pose can be practiced on its own or as part of the sun salutations.
Almost An Hour Of Power
This all-levels yoga class will get your power going. It's a moderately paced power class (that means vinyasa with a bit more core!) with improvers and advanced level modifications and great insights from Dylan. It's just under an hour - one for the weekend and better than a cup of coffee. You'll just need a block.
Crow Pose Tutorial
Crow pose or Bakasana is a wonderful yoga pose to master. Here Dylan gives us an easy to follow, step by step guide to the Crow pose. Get ready to fly!
Have Fun with Twists
This all levels twist yoga class focuses on having fun whilst twisting, using twists as a detox and refresher and pushing yourself to make the final twist challenge. A great way to refresh those cells to start the day or after the day.
10 min Abs Blast
Dylan leads a progressive core work out which builds from gentle movements to the deep power core work we all know and love. Choose from gentle rests or stretches in between. Bring some love to your abs today
Body Breath Meditation
Dylan guides us through a simple, seated body, breath meditation. Great for beginner explorers of the mind or those with a regular meditation practice who enjoy participating in a class.
Chaturanga Tutorial
Chaturanga is one of the hardest yoga poses to master safely. Dylan explains how to get from high plank to Chaturanga safely, whilst protecting the shoulders from injury.
Power to Go
Only 20 mins to spare from your busy schedule? Get some Power Yoga into your life. All levels - with improvers and advanced modifications. The time is now to get your heart pumping through power vinyasa and feel the flow
30 min of Power
A fantastic full-on power yoga class but made shorter. A great idea if you're in a hurry. Join the yoga party whether you're an improver or intermediate, Dylan offers modifications for you all. The classic power warm-up with added twists, forward bends, back bends and inversions. So whether you’re waking up or on your lunch break you'll get your full yoga class.
Join the Wellbeing Revolution
This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.