Sally Parkes's Yoga Classes
Gentle Pelvic Floor Exercises (Session 1)
In this gentle yet powerful session, Sally guides us through practical techniques to maintain a healthy pelvic floor by balancing strength and flexibility. We’ll begin with simple movements to warm up the pelvic area, followed by a dynamic and static series of yoga poses. Through a variety of positions—side-lying, all fours, seated, and standing—we’ll practise contracting and releasing the pelvic floor, helping to build resilience and functionality for everyday movement. This class is a practical and accessible way to connect with your body and feel supported.
How Yoga Can Strengthen the Pelvic Floor
This video teaches us about the anatomy and function of the pelvic floor and its connection to the respiratory diaphragm, using a pelvis model for a clear explanation. You’ll gain a solid understanding of this important relationship, and how breathing and posture can make a difference to the pelvic floor.
Healthy Hips: Functional Hips And Alignment For The Pelvis
Did you know that to have a strong core, to have a strong and healthy lower back, we need to have healthy, mobile hips as well as a strong pelvic floor and good core muscles? Discover the interconnection of hips and core. This class is excellent for building hip core and lower back strength and mobility for healthy day to day function of the hips and pelvis. Movements will be practiced from standing, box position, side lying and lying supine. Build strength within the gluteal, abdominal, pelvic floor and lower back muscles.This movement class is slightly stronger and more challenging than previous classes, you may need to work with Sally's other hip classes first.
Healthy Hips: Recovering The Hips After Surgery
This class is suitable for those who are recovering from hip injury or after hip replacement, after you have had the go-ahead from your healthcare provider (usually around 10 weeks after surgery). This sequence will work through a selection of gentle movements for the hips keeping it simple by using body weight to engage the muscles surrounding the joints of the hips and pelvis. Movements will be small and repetitive to get some flow in the joints. Movements will be seated on a chair, then up to standing, over to the wall and sitting/lying down (supine) followed by a gentle stretch. This class will be considerate of hip and lower back injury making it accessible to all.
Healthy Hips: Movement for Hip Recovery
Gentle mobility and strengthening Functional movement for the hips, plus core to support the pelvis and hip joints made accessible. Use a chair to help support your practice for days when you could do with some support, or when you're recovering from illness or injury. With some poses adapted and suitable for recovery from hip replacement. You will need a chair, a yoga belt and a block.
Healthy Hips: Strength for the Hip Joints
Pilates and Yoga for healthy, mobile and strong hip joints. If you're a regular yoga practitioner, or you sit for long periods, you may have weaker muscles in the areas surrounding the hips. This class uses Pilates and yoga moves to strengthen the hips by moving the body in different planes of motions and at different speeds. A great class for most of us who have weaker hip and glute muscles. You may use an exercise band, if you have one, but it's not necessary for the class, and some exercises are done next to the wall.
Healthy Hips: Gentle Hip Stretches for After Running/Hiking/Travelling
This gentle yoga class is ideal for when your hips are feeling a bit tighter. A great way to warm up the body on a chilly morning, or ideal for after running, cycling or hiking, after long journeys in the car or if you've just been that little bit sedentary and need to keep your hips mobile. This gentle stretch class is a slow and gentle stretch for the whole hip, pelvic, thigh and lower back area, giving a feeling of space in the pelvis and elongation in the lower back area. The session will start with gentle mobility work to prepare the body for deeper progressive stretches. The aim of this class is to gain a good range of motion in the body so that when we apply the strength work, strengthening the body whilst in a healthy postural position.
Yoga for Back Care: Introduction
Welcome to the Yoga for Back Care. This is an introduction to the course, and may help you to use the classes. If you are currently feeling real back pain, wait until that settles before starting the course and see your health practitioner for their guidance. This introduction helps us to understand the anatomy of the spine, and how our spine works, so that when we practice our classes, we know how we're keeping the spine healthy, the impact our movements have on the sprine, and how we can increase our spinal health, care for our backs better, and reduce back pain.
Yoga for Back Care: Core Focus
The first in the yoga for back care series, this back care class is a gentle introduction to the larger muscles that make up your back, filled with gentle stretches and mobilizing your back. This class is mostly seated and suitable for most mobility levels. Although if you are currently experiencing back pain, do ask your health care practitioner before practicing.
Yoga for Back Care: Building Core Strength
This yoga for back care class is increasingly tougher, building up core strength! This class focuses on building up internal strength and activating the back muscles. This class builds on the back care classes deep core introduction class, the focus on this class is on increasing range of movement whilst activating the outer core, and why being able to activate the core is important for stabilisation of the spine and pelvis. You will need a chair.
Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles
The yoga for back care class is mostly either seated, on the back or on all fours and includes gentle, supported and floor-based movements to mobilise the shoulders, spine and pelvis. Combine mobilisation with conscious breathing and gentle stretching to release stiffness and increase the feeling of embodiment, really inhabiting and saying 'yes' to your body. Bring awareness to the entire body via the breath before bringing attention to the psoas, lower abdominal area and pelvic floor to practice how to activate and release these muscles, the deep core, in equal measures.
Yoga for Back Care: Building Strength
This Yoga class is perfect for back care, keeping your back strong and mobile. Class focuses on building core strength and mobility for the spine and hips - essential for back care. This really lovely Yoga for back care class focuses mostly on symmetrical standing movements as standing poses can help to build strength through the body, avoiding unnecessary stress on the back, particularly on the lower back area. chair and wall for support at various points too. This class is mostly standing poses. You will need a yoga block, or a book.
Yoga for Back Care: Enjoying Strength
This Yoga for Back Care class focuses on strenthening the muscles which will help to keep your back strong. This class is stronger, suitable for intermediate yogis, moving more towards free standing movements now now to apply the principles learned in previous classes. This back care class is more fiesty, demanding a greater physical fitness and mobility, but with a focus on alignment and listening to the body and the information it feedbacks to us, should we choose to listen. You will need a yoga block, or book. And a sense of humility - if the posisitons in this class are too much, do go back to the other back care classes.
Hatha Yoga to Energise
Feel energised and reinvigorated with this simple but well-rounded yoga class of mostly standing postures. After a gentle warm-up, expect a simple series of grounding, standing postures to bring strength and energy to the whole body. The class is specifically sequenced to re-energise women, but everyone can benefit. The movements work with the spirals of the female form so the body is encouraged to feel at ease. This sequence of flowing and predominantly standing Hatha Yoga postures is linked with thoughtful transitions and breath work, to help release such tensions and manifest our full awareness of our physical and energetic being.
Pilates for the Back
A back strengthening Pilates-based sequence; starting with gentle spine mobilisation then moving into spinal strength exercises. Pilates based movements are fantastic at creating postural balance and strength by working the entire body synergistically. This sequence works through the entire spine with a combination of flowing movements paired with strength exercises. You will need a block.
Gentle Yoga to Unwind
A gentle yoga class of floor based movements for when we're low on energy and needing a gentle boost. Keeping low to the ground, and with few poses which use wrists, this yoga class uses gravity to unwind the spine, open the chest and shoulder area, helping our heart centred energy to flow more freely. A perfect class if you're suffering from PMT or you're on your period. Many of our day to day movement patterns can create a rigidness to the spine and rib cage that negatively affects our respiration and levels of tension throughout the chest, shoulder and neck area. But by moving in a flowing and ‘softer’ way, working with gravity as opposed to against it, we can begin to release these areas of tightness to become more free in our body. This sequence of predominantly floor based Hatha Yoga asana will work to unravel the upper body, especially the chest area, to create increased synchronicity between the upper skeletal system, breath and ultimately the heart space. You may need a block and bolster.
Pilates for a Stronger Core
A strong, flowing Pilates class to work the core. Pilates is an effective way to strengthen the core in a functional way, in that it works to strengthen the muscles of the lower back in particular, as well as the abdominal area. This sequence uses core focused Pilates exercises for deep internal strength of the entire core and finishes with stretching on the lower back, hips and abdomen to minimise muscle soreness. You will need a block.
All Trimesters: Shoulders & Spine
A wonderful, gentle pregnancy yoga class suitable for all trimesters which is designed to stretch out the shoulders and lower back. Expect a selection of simple poses which will help to open up the chest, shoulders and the back of the body. This is a short sequence you can do anytime when you feel you need to stretch out and release these areas of the body. You will need a wall and a chair.
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