Emma Henry's Yoga Classes
Chant: Lokah Samastah
A classic chant, often used in Jivamukti yoga classes. It means may all beings everywhere be happy. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.
Chant: Govinda Gopala
Starting with 3 Om's and then call and response to this wonderful chant. This chant asks for protection. Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Prabhu Dinadayala Hare.
Chant: Raghupati Raghava
A chant to the god Ram, this chant is about finding perfection in our own life and being selfless for others. Raghupati raghava rajaram Patita paavana Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Jaya Sita Ram
10 Minute Blast
A nice and simple vinyasa yoga class for beginners. A quick blast to get you moving in the morning, this is no-frills yoga keeping things nice and simple. Thankyou to Fabletics for the beautiful clothing.
Hanky Planky Core Class
A short, fun yoga class with a core focus. If you're looking to feel energised, stronger, more focused, more productive, join in all the fun with a plank-themed class of hanky-planky! Thanks to Fabletics for their beautiful clothing.
Spinal Tap: Jiva Revolution
If you love your Jivamukti yoga feisty and fast and a little bit hip, this strong, intermediate Jivamukti yoga class is for you. It revolves around revolved poses. With a twisty twist to it, this class is great for a healthy spine and perfect for those who like to move swiftly and with a twist.
Monkeying Around
A fabulous Jivamukti flow with the theme of the Monkey-god, Hanumanasana, otherwise known as the splits. This well-rounded Jivamukti class has the usual mix of sun salutations, standing poses with a focuses around opening the hamstrings and hips, featuring the standing splits, then going into Hamunanasana, forward and backward bends rounding off this beautifully devotional class.
Flexibility and Stability
A steady, balanced Jivamukti class focused on lengthening of the body, grounding and stability. As you would expect from Emma's soulful Jivamukti classes, there are plenty of strengthening, stabilising standing poses, twists, backbends and balances. A beautifully sequenced, relaxed vinyasa.
Crow Pose Tutorial
This Crow Pose (Bakasana) tutorial gives us a new way of looking at the balance of crow (bakasana), starting up with crow on the back! Then there's plenty of core strengthening and hip releases to prepare for the full pose. For those who don't yet have a crow practice, there are some handy tips in which you may need a bolster and/or a couple of blocks to help you to find your wings to take flight in crow.
Devotional Jivamukti Yoga Class
This full-length Jivamukti class is an offering, Class focuses on taking on a blessed state, an offering up even as the class progresses through some challenging, fast vinyasa through twisting, hip opening, back and forward bending sequences and some challenging balances. Give yourself the time for a full-length class. As you offer up your practice, you will find you will receive so much more than just a really thorough physical workout!
Emma - Fit Hips Express Jivamukti Flow
This fast-paced Jivamukti flow is perfect to getting you going in the morning, with plenty of juicy hip releases, twists, leg-stregthening and backbends this class is a rounded way to start the day.
Wake Up with Morning Jivamukti
This shorter Jivamukti practice is perfect for the morning, or when you might be shorter on time, but it's a full-length class, no frills but expect thrills. The class includes juicy vinyasa sequences, twists, back and foreward bends, plus headstand. Everything you'd want to set you up for the day. You may need blocks and a blanket.
Cleansing Twisty Jiva Flow
This challenging, full-length fast paced Jivamukti class is a cleansing, rinsing twist-based, a strong and risinging practice. Starts with chanting and call and response Sita/Ram. This chant is chosen as Ram is the seat of the Manipura Chakra, the centre of ego and insecurities and this is what we're rinsing out when we're twisting from the centre. Sita/Ram are the perfect couple, and from this practice, this is the most perfect asana practice. The intention is set to being the most perfect being we able to be. With this intention, this Jivamukti class will keep you moving.
Side Crow Tutorial
This short tutorial is a beautiful short sequence to prepare the body for side crow. There is plenty of twist and core work before Emma leads us into the Jivamukti Style of Side Crow and teaches how to straighten the opposite arm during side crow. You may appreciate two blocks to help your side crow.
Forearm Balance Tutorial
Emma prepares us for the key consituents for the complex pose of Forearm Balance (Pincha Mayurasana)- this is a balance which requires open shoulders, good balance and plenty of core strength. You will need a block. This tutorial shows us how to prepare, open and strengthen for the pose, how to safely perform Forearm Balance by the wall and then how to perform Forearm Balance in the middle of the room and how to fall out of it. You will need a belt, and possibly another rolled up mat.
Jivamukti: Hips & Backbends
Challenge yourself with this dynamic flow that will take your practice to new heights. Emma builds a clever progressive sequence ”“ taking you deeper into long holds, deep backbends and hip-openers. Includes side plank, forearm balance, bird-of-paradise, splits (hanumanasana) and full wheel. Class starts with a chant: May all beings everywhere know peace.
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