Kirsty Nazaré's Yoga Classes
Guided Rest
Take this time to settle into the body's natural tendency to know how to rest and bring the body back into a state of balance. Teaching our body how to rest should be so natural, yet is so hard. This guided rest audio class will help your body to drop into a state of relaxation. It can be done any time you're able to truly surrender and relax, lying down, being comfortable, and letting the body drop any tension.
Sound Healing: Sleep Tonic
This soothing sleep tonic journey is an invitation to rest, to calm yourself and to get ready to sleep. Let the sound of rain and bowls ground you to feel cosy and ready to sleep. We recommend you are ready to sleep when you listen to this and do not multi-task - be completely present to the healing. This audio is 10 minutes long with an intentional 10 minute silence at the end for you to soak up the practice. Wear good headphones for this journey and see where you are taken. Do not drive during any of these sound healing journeys.
Sound Healing: Heart Coherence
This short guided sound healing journey has the intention of returning us to the state of heart coherence. Done regularly, this heart coherence class helps to bring us out of a state of stress or overwhelm into a steady place of balance. This is a great asset to your day and can be done over and over again. This is a sound healing which can be done anytime feelings of anxiety or overwhelm threaten to overtake. This healing can also help to boost health and immunity. We recommend you sit or lie in a comfortable position, do not multi-task; be completely present to the healing. Wear good headphones for this journey and see where you are taken. Do not drive during any of these sound healing journeys.
Sound Healing: Gratitude
This sound healing journey will give you the opportunity to focus on what you are grateful for in life. Tapping into gratitude brings positive emotions and provides an uplifting experience. It is a very healing process, associated with positive mental and physical health benefits. This experience is immersive. We recommend you lie in a comfortable position and do not multi-task - this is one for being completely relaxed and present. Wear good headphones for this journey and see where you are taken. Do not drive during any of these sound healing journeys. This journey ends with silence to simply absorb the sound healing, just stay for as long as you are able and come back to the present when you are ready.
Sound Healing: Letting Go
Enter into the realm of letting go of the day-to-day and drop into your consciousness, giving the active mind time to rest. This sound healing journey is a space to receive the bounty that awaits as you let go of tense muscles, a busy mind, or stress in the body. You are invited to set an intention before you listen and then let go of all effort, relax and surrender to the sounds. This experience is immersive. We recommend you lie in a comfortable position and do not multi-task - this is one for being completely relaxed and present. Wear good headphones for this journey and see where you are taken. Do not drive during any of these sound healing journeys. Towards the end of the healing, the journey takes you to the still space of silence to let the sounds settle and then Kirsty will bring you back to the present.
Sound Healing: Abundance
This sound journey is great for when you want to remember the spaciousness that's available within and around you. It will guide you to soak up the abundance that is already here and to remember the wonder that is on offer: the miracle of you. You will remember the abundance of what you are and it will take you into a soundscape that is rich and varied. Please wear good headphones for this journey and see where you are taken.
Chair Yoga
Making yoga really accessible, this chair yoga class is a short and simple sequence to bring space around the neck and shoulders and at the same time opening up the ribcage to invite in more breath. It will leave you feeling more spacious from the waist up. Great for those with limited mobility as well for practicing in the office or at work.
Relax Into The Feeling Body
This gentle, nurturing yoga class is not about the shapes that you may make, but is about how you feel during the practice. Become sensitive to how you feel so that you can bespoke the class to exactly that. Expect plenty of relaxing supine poses and some releasing lunges before opening the chest, hips and relaxing. A perfect class for releasing after a tough day.
Abundance Meditation
A beautiful abundance meditation class in which we use our visualisation to take us outside of ourselves, into the universe and feel the abundance through the whole of the world through our bodies. You can practice this meditation in any comfortable position.
Soothe Your Soul
A gentle, nourishing way to start or end the day. A steady hatha yoga hip opener with focus on the breath, especially for moving into calm and to release any tension and anxiety. Perfect for post-travel, or after work unravelling of the body and mind.
Love Your Joints
This very gentle, short class is perfect if you've been travelling, sitting all day, or if you're recovering from injury or illness. We should all give our joints a little love each day, and this quick sequence gently mobilises and releases tightness.
Step Into Spring
An all-levels swift wake up and shake up yoga class for the whole body incorporating energising movements and stretches to wake up your whole body to feel ready to spring into springtime with abundance of energy, joy and lightness to celebrate the light!
Live at Yoga Garden Party: Decompression - Yoga for self-care
A very gentle hatha yoga class designed to give you self-care, self-nurturing. Starting supine, on a bolster, the class goes through gentle hatha moves, breath-work and meditation to give yourself the decompression you need when you're dealing with a busy, sometimes overwhelming life. You will need a bolster.
Quick Fix To Calm
Have this in your yoga toolkit - its super effective at changing your mindset and bringing you calm in a matter of minutes. Practice this every day if you can. You can do this practice either lying down, it's great before bed - or on a chair if you're needing to melt away tension at work.
Slow Flow To Bring Balance
This slow flow yoga class is all about finding your centre in the midst of a storm. You get longer holds, forward folds, twists and longer exhales. Plus a sweet meditation at the end to fully ground you into balance. This flow balances Vata and pitta types - even though you may find it utterly frustrating if you're out of balance. Your chemistry will change for the better after giving this class a go.
Embrace Your Essence (7): Receive
A beautiful yoga nidra practice for whenever life is demanding a lot! When you allow yourself to be held and cherished you gain clarity, so allow yourself to truly surrender into this sweet, healing practice. The effect of this class will leave you feeling peaceful, clear and spacious. You will need: Bolster, blankets x 3-4, eye pillow, belt.
Embrace Your Essence (6): Loving Kindness Meditation
A beautiful meditation on loving-kindness. A real heart-opener, great for beginning level meditatiors to advanced.
Embrace Your Essence (5): Heart Centre Meditation
A sweet meditation which focuses on softening. This meditation opens and softens your heart-centre, ready to give and receive love and all that life gives. Great for all-levels meditators.
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Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.