Yoga Classes › "warrior 2"
Wake Up & Glow
Take agency over how you want to feel today and cause an effect on your life. Are you living in reaction to life? It is all too tempting to live up in our heads, entertained by our busy minds only to be reduced to our thoughts. Our thoughts effect our feelings and our feelings cause an affect on our thoughts. We don’t get to choose what happens to us in a day, but we can choose how we react or respond to what is happening. How do you want to feel today? How do you want to influence life today? How do you want to celebrate life today? You are the artist of your day, set yourself up for success by taking agency over how you want to feel today, rather than leaving it up to the outer world to decide for you. This is living from the inside out. “Happiness is an inside job.” – William Arthur Ward Suggested props: 2 same sized blocks – are always my go to for having under my hands to minimize compression in the soft tissues of my hips in some of the lunge shaped poses.
Flow Towards Freedom: Ignite Your Intuition
Cultivate tuning into your intuition, your wisdom body with this is a slow flow featuring longer, hatha holds. A more meditative, deep, hip based practice that quiets the mind enough that you can start to listen to and trust your intuition and inner wisdom. Long, juicy hip opening, kneeling warrior at the wall. Ending in a meditation with the focus of listening. This class aims at taking you out of your head and into your roots. A perfect class to help you unravel after travel or after a tough day at work. Helping you to reconnect to your innate inherent inner wisdom. You will need access to a wall, a blanket and maybe a strap.
Super Quick Hips
A perfect really short class if you spend a lot of time sitting or if you've been travelling, to help to release tight hips. The class is in seated position, so you won't need space for a mat, which makes it a perfect class to be done in the office or when you're travelling. You will need 2 bricks.
Flow Towards Freedom: Bountiful Body
A beautiful, well-round 20 minute flow yoga class to get you in your body finding joy from the simplicity of moving and breathing mindfully. Connect deeply to your body and the miracle that is it is with this wonderful, all-levels yoga class. You will need two bricks or blocks.
Yoga Nidra To Cool & Relax
Experience the sleep of the yogis with this beautifully relaxing yoga nidra. This yoga nidra is specifically created for women undergoing perimenopause or menopause but it can be enjoyed by everybody who would like space for a beautifully calm and relaxing yogic sleep. This yoga nidra is best served with the legs raised on a chair or sofa, and you may need blankets and cushions to get really comfortable. Don't forget to prioritise your comfort during these beautiful yoga nidras. Yoga nidra starts at 3.23 so after you have heard the introduction to how to get comfortable, you may wish to start your practice then.
Permission To Play (3): Leg-endary Strength
Permission To Play (2): Bolster Olympics
A simple game in which we stand on the bolster and perform the 'olympics'! This challenges your balance and fires up your feet, in turn strengthening your legs particularly your ankles. A great workout for the hips, too. Find out what happens when the surface you stand on is not what you’re used to in this fun, playful movement class. You'll need a bolster.
Tadasana: The Blueprint Pose
Finding your alignment in Tadasana is perhaps the most important yoga pose. In this yoga tutorial Kristin shows us how to find correct alignment in Tadasana, the mountain pose. Then Kristin goes on to show us how to find the same Tadasana alignment in Warrior 2, extended side angle pose, triangle pose and half moon pose including how to keep the knee protected during side angle poses. Essential watching for us all!
Rainbow Vinyasa Orange(2): Water Element Flow
This all-levels vinyasa yoga class is beautifully creatively sequenced inspired by the water element. If you’d like to feel more flow in your life and enjoy a fluid vinyasa flow yoga class, you’ll love this energising but grounded flow in which we harness the water within the body to mobilise, move and flow.
Rainbow Vinyasa Red(1): Embodiment
A grounded yoga class focusing on rooting energy and bone stability. Warm up with gentle floor-based side bends, spinal twists and gentle somatic movement. Build stability and a strong and stable grounding as well as building bone strength with warrior sequences. Continue your strengthening yoga class with some challenging balances, this yoga class is wonderful to keep strong and healthy bones, helping to prevent osteoporosis. You will need a yoga block.
Yoga for Exam Stress (5): Affirmation Workshop Part 2
This affirmation workshop is to harness your own mental power so that you have greater self belief, confidence and positivity. This affirmation workshop gives us some ideas for affirmations which can help greater self-belief, confidence and confidence. Mentally repeating a series of phrases and words to re-train the mind, so that your thoughts are supporting you.It might be helpful to choose affirmations which resonate with you and repeat these during the course of the day. Some of the words and phrases are from
Healthy Back (2) Hips and Lower Back
Experiment with exactly how your pelvis sits in your daily movement. Learn how to position your pelvis and experiment with the effect on the lower back. This gentle yoga class uses standing as well as supine poses to focus on creating space and freedom in the hips and the lower back. Perfect for those of us who spend large portions of our day seated! You will need a block. (note, this healthy back series are maintenance back health class, they are not suitable for those with ongoing back problems).
Yoga for Exam Stress (2) Breathwork For Balance & Focus
A useful breathwork technique to clarify and balance your mind, to help you to relax and keep focused.
Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior Flow
Beginning with the Magic 10 to start this classic Jivamukti yoga class. During the Magic 10, expect long counted holds and a handstand at the wall for those who are ready. During the counted long holds without further instruction, this is great for finding a more meditative state during your asana practice. We then continue with intention setting and the classic, well rounded Jivamukti vinyasa yoga practice, which includes headstand for those who can. You may need two blocks.
New Mums Series (2): Motivate Me
Get motivated with this yoga class, ideal for mornings, which focuses on the core, upper body and legs with breathwork, core work and standing poses. You'll feel stronger, happier and more motivated. Ideal for post-natal strength or for any of us who like to feel motivated and stronger. You'll need a block and access to a clear wall for shoulder opening variations.
Gentle Yoga to Nourish and Support Series: (2) Rooting to Rise
In Chinese, there is a saying ‘gen shen di gu’, which means when the roots and deep the foundations are strong. From Moving with the Breath, we shift the focus to rooting firmly down in the earth and allowing our bodies to rise from this firm root up toward the sky. We will practice some more dynamic standing poses after an initial warm-up we practiced in class #1 to feel this connection more fully in our body.
Sthira Sukham Asanam
Yoga sutra chant 2.46 with explanation. The connection the earth should be steady and joyful -Jivamukti translation from Chapter 2 sutra of Master Patanjali
Evening Yin/Yang Flow
A peaceful Yin/Yang flow to wind down and relax for the end of the day. With some spinal rolling and freeing, some poses from QiGong, some restorative and Yin poses, this fusion yoga class is a perfect way to wind down and relax at the end of the day, or for whenever you need to calm, nourish and restore yourself. The perfect self-care solution to our overwhelmed lives. You will need a bolster (or pillows), a blanket, 2 yoga bricks and a foam block and a strap.
Join the Wellbeing Revolution
This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.