Yoga Classes › "vinyasa"

  • Energising Morning Yoga 3: Replay of Live Class44:19
    Energising Morning Yoga 3: Replay of Live Class

    Nadia Gilani

    Wake up and energise with movement, breathe, and the MFML community. This is an all-levels, well rounded vinyasa flow class. The class starts with meditation and mindfulness before inviting in the breath and movement to warm the body. This is part 3 of a 4-part online series of live classes with the MFML community.

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  • Winter Wellbeing Flow45:04
    Winter Wellbeing Flow

    Jean Hall

    Vinyasa yoga to warm, energise and get back into alignment. Starting beautifully softly and slowly with gentle somatics. Then moving into a creatively sequenced, warming vinyasa class. Mindfully paced, with plenty of breath, this practice moves the body and breath, leaving us gently energised. Ending with some sneaky core work as well as more gentle floor-based somatics, for a really luscious feel. Perfect to start a winter's day.

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  • Energising Morning Yoga 2: Replay of Live Class43:39
    Energising Morning Yoga 2: Replay of Live Class

    Nadia Gilani

    Wake up and energise with movement, breathe, and the MFML community. This is an all-levels, well rounded vinyasa flow class. The class starts with meditation and mindfulness before inviting in the breath and movement to warm the body. This is part 2 of a 4-part online series of live classes with the MFML community.

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  • Be Here Now31:21
    Be Here Now

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This Jivamukti yoga class focuses on presence and being in the moment. Get moving straight away with side-bends to warm up, then a fiesty vinyasa yoga class. There's no relaxation at the end, so we recommend you end this practice with a relaxation class! Have a strap ready for some fun variations.

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  • Energising Morning Yoga 1: Replay of Live Class45:52
    Energising Morning Yoga 1: Replay of Live Class

    Nadia Gilani

    Wake up and energise with movement, breathe, and the MFML community. This is an all-levels, well rounded vinyasa flow class. The class starts with meditation and mindfulness before inviting in the breath and movement to warm the body. This is part 1 of a 4-part online series of live classes with the MFML community.

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  • Sun Salutation Flow33:11
    Sun Salutation Flow

    Clive Fogelman

    This vinyasa yoga class is based on the classic sun salutations - in this class you'll explore these classic sequences with unique twist. Clive starts this class with a gentle warm up followed by creative variations of traditional Vinyasa sequences. The flow is continuous but built in breaks as are needed. This class is also great for expanding your options for vinyasa flow transitions.

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  • Everyday Essentials30:05
    Everyday Essentials

    Lucy McCarthy

    This vinyasa yoga class is a real 101 of the essential yoga poses for a healthy, balanced, daily yoga practice. This class has the main staples in a balanced yoga practice. This class opens the spine in all the different directions, perfect for essential, daily health and wellbeing. Explore the full range of motion from side bending to twists, backbends to forward bends. This class may leave you feeling strong, open and uplifted. You will need a block.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Space Element01:13:57
    Vinyasa Flow: Space Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    This vinyasa yoga class weaves around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Space. Space, in Sanskrit is Akasha, the intergalactic medium that is said to be the container of all elements. It is the original element, likened to the Mother of all elements that everything came from and everything will return back to. Hatha Yogis figured out that if you create a lot of activity, you gain access to stillness in Space - that you create physical, energetic and mental effort and can abide in effortlessness on those levels. In practice we actively stretch this space and fill it with consciousness, light and awareness of awaking to the fullness of presence that is supporting us and carrying us.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Air Element 01:04:48
    Vinyasa Flow: Air Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    This vinyasa yoga class weaves around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Air. The focus of this class is on the breath. Moving in a variety of standing poses using different Pranayama techniques to connect with the wind element and utilise the delivery of Prana, (life force to heal, inspire and transform our physical, energetic and mental forms) to find our way back home at our true centre, our heart.

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  • Vinyasa Flow to Feel Fabulous01:06:11
    Vinyasa Flow to Feel Fabulous

    Ava Riby-Williams

    A beautifully sequenced vinyasa yoga class. Starting gently with joint mobilisation, this is a full body stretch and strengthen, including all the key poses and culminating in wild thing (camatkarasana- the pose of ecstatic rapture), whilst addressing the bliss of abiding in our fullest nature of awareness. Finish with breath work and a lovely, long savasana. This is a really energising class to get you ready to start your day.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Fire Element01:14:02
    Vinyasa Flow: Fire Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    A vinyasa yoga class weaved around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Fire. Fire, Agni in Sanskrit, is one of the most powerful of the elements. When we tap into its energy, we bring alive a transformation within ourselves as we build and direct the heat to the attachments you want to burn through that don’t serve you any longer. Identify what your soul longs for, that burning heart’s desires and the vision of your future you want to create. Let’s build and direct this fire to give this practice more meaning and purpose.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Water Element 01:11:17
    Vinyasa Flow: Water Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    A vinyasa yoga class weaved around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of water. This mindful flow class will use a variety of standing poses to connect to the water element within you. Connecting to the many rivers and streams within the body carrying with it Prana – this light of intelligence that is healing, inspiring and transformative. We will flow like water, following the flow of breath in as we feel the swell of the body rise like a wave, and then the flow of the breath roll out like a wave returning to the vast ocean.

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Earth Element01:07:49
    Vinyasa Flow: Earth Element

    Zephyr Wildman

    A vinyasa yoga class weaved around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Earth. With this practice, we will stay close to the ground, strengthening, stabilising and calming the body. This is a strong practice building structural integrity through repetitive core work to target the pelvis and shoulders. Working with Hasta (hand) Mudras, Bija (seed) Mantras and imagery of this weeks topic Earth, to inspire a practice that will leave you feeling like a majestic mountain.

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  • Morning Mojo 3: 30 Min Morning Yoga37:54
    Morning Mojo 3: 30 Min Morning Yoga

    Lucy McCarthy

    This beautiful hatha vinyasa yoga class is the sweetest start to your day. Class invites in a bright-hearted, energising quality to the rest of your day. This yoga class is an invigorating deep dive into back-bending in many forms and expressions and will leave you feeling uplifted, awakened and heart centred.

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  • Flow to Scorpion Yoga Pose52:35
    Flow to Scorpion Yoga Pose

    Vidya Heisel

    This advanced level vinyasa flow is suitable for those with an existing inversions practice. After a warm-up, take your mat to the wall for some challenging, advanced level inversion variations. This class is not suitable for those who have any physical limitations, or those who do not have a regular inversions practice - the variations are tough. Of course, if you're not comfortable with the poses, please do sit out those poses and adopt child's pose, or a more suitable variation. If you are a mobile, fit and strong practitioner, you'll love these variations and have a lot of fun going upside down!

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  • Vinyasa Flow: Find Strength and Space58:31
    Vinyasa Flow: Find Strength and Space

    Vanessa Michielon

    A comprehensive vinyasa flow yoga class with a focus on the space in-between positions and movements. Can you practice giving yourself and your body more space? See if you can become aware of finding space in between thoughts and everything that usually captures our attention. By allowing ourselves to slow down, we can make space for more to arise to our consciousness. The session begins and closes with a breathing practice and offers plenty of vinyasa yoga poses with opportunities and variations to open hips and release tension from hamstrings.

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  • Jivamukti Yoga: Keep Moving33:22
    Jivamukti Yoga: Keep Moving

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This short Jivamukti yoga class has a focus on rocking within poses. Rather than finding stillness within the. jivamukti yoga poses, we will keep moving to release muscular tension and restrictions in joints. A perfect class if you're feeling a little stiffer than usual and you could do with moving and rocking to release tension in your vinyasa yoga class. You may need a block and a blanket.

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  • Yoga for Beginners: Prepare for Meditation35:15
    Yoga for Beginners: Prepare for Meditation

    Ava Riby-Williams

    This yoga class is the last in the beginners yoga course and prepares us for coming into stillness. Class starts with a vinyasa flow, moving through sun salutation B and playing with new standing and seated poses. It then ends with a ten minute seated meditation, mantra and mudra. This is the ideal time to consider your yoga journey over the past few weeks and how you wish to move forward with your practice. You have learnt many news skills, but perhaps what you will have learnt is to follow your heart, which is your own best teacher. You may need a yoga brick and a blanket.

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