Yoga Classes › "knee"

  • Tutorial on Chaturanga04:43
    Tutorial on Chaturanga

    Andrew McGonigle

    There's no 'right' or 'wrong' in any yoga pose, so long as movements are made slowly and in a controlled way, mindfully and with the breath, and of course so long as there is no pain or pre-existing injury! With that in mind, Chaturanga or low plank, is one of the hardest yoga poses to master. This short tutorial on the yoga pose Chaturanga shows the action needed for the pose. Do take heed, the pose needs a LOT of strength in the shoulders and abdomen, which you'll need to build separately and whilst you build that strength, or if the pose is not suitable for your body, do please practice with your knees to the ground, or simply do a high push up, rather than the low push of Chaturanga. Enjoy!

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  • Love Your Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back22:33
    Love Your Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back

    Kristin Campbell

    A simple yoga class, perfect as a bookend as a warm up or wind down to the beginning or end of a practice, even perfect as a post-athletic stretch out, or a break during the day. With a focus on with poses that open your shoulders, hips, hamstrings and lower back. You will be doing some seated poses so if you have tender knees or ankles, I recommend having a block for under your pelvis. We use the wall in this practice, so you'll need to be near a wall as a prop. You may want a bolster for legs up the wall, our closing posture, it feels great under the pelvis, it really helps to support hamstring lengthening. You wil need a block and a belt handy.

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  • Flow Towards Freedom: Ignite Your Intuition54:22
    Flow Towards Freedom: Ignite Your Intuition

    Lucy McCarthy

    Cultivate tuning into your intuition, your wisdom body with this is a slow flow featuring longer, hatha holds. A more meditative, deep, hip based practice that quiets the mind enough that you can start to listen to and trust your intuition and inner wisdom. Long, juicy hip opening, kneeling warrior at the wall. Ending in a meditation with the focus of listening. This class aims at taking you out of your head and into your roots. A perfect class to help you unravel after travel or after a tough day at work. Helping you to reconnect to your innate inherent inner wisdom. You will need access to a wall, a blanket and maybe a strap.

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  • Honour Your Cycle: Winter40:01
    Honour Your Cycle: Winter

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    A beautiful yoga nidra (yogic sleep) for menstruation, especially designed to ease flow, ease pain and feel nourished and supported. Uma uses the sound of Tibetan singing bowls to help us to drop into a deep, nourishing relaxation. The first 6 minutes 40 talks through setting up for yoga nidra, how to create a comfortable yoga nidra so that you feel held and supported. You may wish to start at 6.40 if you'd like to get straight into your yoga nidra after you've set up. You may enjoy a hot water bottle for this class. We recommend a scarf to wrap around the waist and a blanket to keep warm and you will need to set yourself up next to your sofa or a chair, so that your knees are resting up, and your ankles higher than your knees.

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  • Honour Your Cycle: Autumn22:24
    Honour Your Cycle: Autumn

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    A very gentle movement and breathing class for pre-menstrual tension. Release PMT with gentle hip-releasing yoga poses, work on emotional releases through resting poses. This class is nourishing and supportive, to give your body the rest and gentle movements it needs. You will need cushions or a bolster to support your knees during resting pose.

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  • Strength & Mobilise: The Lower Body54:10
    Strength & Mobilise: The Lower Body

    Andrew McGonigle

    A full, strengthening yoga class which focuses on increasing foot, ankle, knee and hip mobility and strength. The focus is on mobilising joints in their full range, with an emphasis on strength rather than stretch. Often we feel a tightness which we assume needs a stretch, but often actually strengthening is needed! Dr Yogi shows us strengthening movements which we can use in our daily practices.Class starts slowly with gentle,small somatic movements and continues as a somatic/hatha yoga class. You will need foam blocks and a brick and a yoga strap or a towel. If you have a theraband, that would be useful for this class.

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  • Honour Your Cycle: Summer33:00
    Honour Your Cycle: Summer

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    This class celebrates the vitality of the summer of the menstrual cycle. With rhythmic, nutritious, grounding movements, you move and breath to get some flow and energy into your body with lots of rhythm and circles. Start with your feet and get moving through all your joints with a rhythmic flow to gently bring the sunshine in! Then class ends with a micro yoga nidra relaxation. You will need bolsters and cushions to get comfortable in your yoga nidra and perhaps padding for the knees for the rhythmic yoga movement practice.

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  • Tadasana: The Blueprint Pose11:54
    Tadasana: The Blueprint Pose

    Kristin Campbell

    Finding your alignment in Tadasana is perhaps the most important yoga pose. In this yoga tutorial Kristin shows us how to find correct alignment in Tadasana, the mountain pose. Then Kristin goes on to show us how to find the same Tadasana alignment in Warrior 2, extended side angle pose, triangle pose and half moon pose including how to keep the knee protected during side angle poses. Essential watching for us all!

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  • Hip Yin Yoga: Above The Knees - Below The Navel31:24
    Hip Yin Yoga: Above The Knees - Below The Navel

    Norman Blair

    A hip-focused Yin Yoga class. In this class we replace intensity of form with length of time, so we hold shapes for minutes in order to move deeply from within. This hip-focused class is perfect for those of us with a sedentary lifestyle, who spend too much time seated, especially at desks or in the car, or for athletes, especially runners and cyclists who can suffer from tight hips, which can cause back troubles. You may need blocks, blankets, bricks and a bolster with this class.

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  • Fire Log Pose Tutorial07:09
    Fire Log Pose Tutorial

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    A short tutorial to help you find the Fire Log pose - Agni Stambhasana - a Yin yoga pose. Often folks struggle with their hips and knees, and it is easy to injure the knees if this pose is not done correctly, so it's worth taking time to get to know how to practice safely. Andrea also discusses modifications of this asana to make things really simple. You will need a block and a blanket.

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  • Hyperflexibility: Tips to Strengthen and Stabilise16:02
    Hyperflexibility: Tips to Strengthen and Stabilise

    Andrew McGonigle

    Super important advice for anyone who practices yoga regularly. Packed with tips to train your nervous system to recognise hyper extension. This workshop, focusing on hyper extension of the elbow and knee joints explains everything you need to know about this complicated topic. You will need a block and strap/belt.

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  • (8) Exploring Spontaneity06:18
    (8) Exploring Spontaneity

    Daniel Peppiatt

    A continuation of Dan’s Spontaneity Class, here are more ways to encourage yourself to move in different ways. Before you start, remember to warm up your body with Spaciousness: The Warm Up Sequence. Then you will be ready to focus on using different body parts in spontaneous ways. Beginning in kneel, you will explore different movements in your hands, arms, fingers. Then you move into movement explorations with your shoulders (be careful), and then the lower body can be integrated with this.

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  • (5) Moving From Squat10:45
    (5) Moving From Squat

    Daniel Peppiatt

    A range of exercises in and around the squat from the simple to the really challenging. If you have a squat these exercises are great. Be careful with your knees in this class, if you feel your knees are uncomfortable in any way in this class, give this class a miss, this isn’t for you, and see if you can go back to Learning the Squat.

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  • Yoga on the Move! Yoga for Planes/Trains/Travel14:36
    Yoga on the Move! Yoga for Planes/Trains/Travel

    Barbara Gallani

    A yoga class to get your sneaky stretches whilst you're on the move. You can easily do these moves whilst on the move. These moves are so subtle your travel companions won't even know you're practicing. You'll keep your toes, feet, ankles, knees, hips and whole of the spine flexible and happy and healthy whilst on the move.

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  • Knee Stabilisation Workshop33:34
    Knee Stabilisation Workshop

    Andrew McGonigle

    Ease painful, swollen or stiff knees with this sequence from Dr Yogi, which will stabilise the knee area and build strength and stability in the knee joint. Includes Dr Yogi's advice on why the knee is vulnerable to injury and top tips to keep the knee safe during yoga. Whether sore knees are caused by sports and exercise or arthritis, regular and mindful use of this video will improve strength and mobility and reduce pain. You will need a block and blanket.

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  • Heart Opening Sequence22:16
    Heart Opening Sequence

    Deanne Oram

    Reorganise the weight in your changing body. So often the chest gets heavy and sinks during pregnancy. This sequence will bring yourself back into balance, give energy and vitality to the shoulders and neck and re-stabilise your upperbody to lower body ratio. You will need blocks, a bolster, a blanket for the knees when on alll fours. Anyone with pelvic girdle issues should take care during leg lifts. Deanne will offer modifications.

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  • All About the Knee03:31
    All About the Knee

    Andrew McGonigle

    A short tutorial brought to you by our Dr Yogi on the workings of the delicate knee joint and how to protect the knee in some key yoga postures.

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  • Step Up with Courage52:40
    Step Up with Courage

    Clare Beagley

    This slow-flow is the perfect step for beginners who want the next challenge. The class is dedicated to finding courage to try new things and use the breath and steady movement as a source of strength. Clare gives a step-by-step guide to open the hips and shoulders to try your first hand balances and tripod headstand. Class starts with a kneeling breath practice. You might need a cushion or a block.

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