Yoga Classes › "sleep"

  • Sleep Recovery Series (5): Breathe to Relax19:06
    Sleep Recovery Series (5): Breathe to Relax

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    A tutorial of breath work practices which are gentle, adaptable and easy to remember when you want to repair your ability to rest throughout the day. Use them to drift off to sleep at night, or if you wake in the middle of the night. The first breath practice is a simple Ujjayii breath with a lengthened exhale to increase a sense of calm, then three part breathing. These techniques are perfect to practice before bed or anytime you need to relax.

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  • Sleep Recovery Series (4): Simple Morning Wake Up06:47
    Sleep Recovery Series (4): Simple Morning Wake Up

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    Keep it simple with a set of simple exercises which can be done anywhere! This can be done in the office, kitchen or wherever you don't have space to lay out a yoga mat, and wake up happier and more focussed. Also great as a pick-me-up when you're at work, these poses and this breath focus will help you wake up easily, and can be done almost anywhere. You’ll clear your head, get your circulation going and feel more alert. Use this any time of day as a pick-me up.

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  • Sleep Recovery Series (3): Restorative Pick Me Up20:28
    Sleep Recovery Series (3): Restorative Pick Me Up

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    This yoga class teaches the set up of restorative yoga poses to bring you into the mental and physical states which repair your ability to sleep at night, whilst helping to replenish energy during the day. These gentle restorative yoga poses will gently energise you, perfect for a midday pause or great as a gentle way to start the day. Poses include legs up the chair pose, lying down goddess pose and child's pose. After you've learnt the set up for these poses we recommend you learn the set up and stay in position for a minimum of 3 minutes for each pose. You'll need a chair or a sofa, a blanket, a belt and two bolsters or sofa cushions. Lisa talks us through the set up of these props, and how to use sofa cushions for a comfortable restorative goddess pose.

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  • Sleep Recovery Series (2): Deeper Sleep Sequence28:41
    Sleep Recovery Series (2): Deeper Sleep Sequence

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    This sleep yoga class ritual is perfect for evening time to slow you down to get ready for bed, or remedy for middle-of-the-night wakeups. This class is for those who like some deeper yoga poses, and have more mobility. Featuring deeper hip, thigh, hamstring, and twisting poses, as well as seated forward bends. Breath using ‘the drop’ which lowers physical tension, decreases your heart rate, and dissipates the stress hormones in your body, to prepare you for deep rest. Also good for those who want to prepare for a restorative practice at any time of day. You will need a cushion, pillow or yoga brick.

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  • Sleep Recovery Series (1): Simple Sleep15:05
    Sleep Recovery Series (1): Simple Sleep

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    A gentle, simple soothing bedtime ritual yoga class. With a simple set of yoga poses which flow from one to the next, prepare for sleep or get back to bed if you wake in the middle of the night. Suitable for all levels, you can do it in your bedroom with minimal space - even in your bed! This sequence reduces physical tension, lowers your heart rate, and decreases the stress hormones in your body to prepare you for deep rest. This yoga class ocuses on all of the major tension hotspots in your body: chest, neck, shoulders, lower back, hips, thighs, hamstrings: pulling the tension out to prepare you for deeper, more restful sleep. Do this class own or finish with a pre-sleep three part breath class or marma point class. Also an excellent prelude to restorative poses for those who find it hard to settle into restoratives right away.

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  • Sleep Recovery Series Introduction02:34
    Sleep Recovery Series Introduction

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    Do you struggle to fall asleep, have disturbed nights, or wake up feeling less than refreshed? You’re not alone. Poor sleep and lack of it can have a huge impact on our health, so, we have created a Sleep Recovery course to help make your pillow time as restful, relaxing and restorative as possible. Lisa Sanfilippo, a senior yoga teacher who specialises in sleep recovery and yoga therapy for insomnia, has carefully curated a selection of classes, from simple, relaxing sequences, to meditations and breath work, designed to help you get the most out of your bed time.

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  • One Blanket Restorative25:48
    One Blanket Restorative

    Adam Hocke

    Restorative yoga is so important. Give your body the chance to rest fully, even if you are limited on props. All you need for this restful practice is one blanket or towel. Through a handful of supported postures we will bring a calming awareness to body and breath. Great to calm you down when anxiety is high or when you are preparing for sleep.An essential daily practice for those overwhelmed and busy.

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  • Inner Axis - All Levels59:50
    Inner Axis - All Levels

    Max Strom

    Inner Axis is new wellbeing movement class developed by Max Strom and deals directly with stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness. It is gentle and graceful, utilising breath-­based yoga inspired movement, inspiring visualizations, and immediately effective relaxation techniques. It is accessible to all fitness levels. A very calming practice, a great antidote for stressful modern lives. (There is no chanting or sanskrit.)

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  • Yoga Nidra To Cool & Relax27:34
    Yoga Nidra To Cool & Relax

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    Experience the sleep of the yogis with this beautifully relaxing yoga nidra. This yoga nidra is specifically created for women undergoing perimenopause or menopause but it can be enjoyed by everybody who would like space for a beautifully calm and relaxing yogic sleep. This yoga nidra is best served with the legs raised on a chair or sofa, and you may need blankets and cushions to get really comfortable. Don't forget to prioritise your comfort during these beautiful yoga nidras. Yoga nidra starts at 3.23 so after you have heard the introduction to how to get comfortable, you may wish to start your practice then.

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  • Honour Your Cycle: Winter40:01
    Honour Your Cycle: Winter

    Uma Dinsmore Tuli

    A beautiful yoga nidra (yogic sleep) for menstruation, especially designed to ease flow, ease pain and feel nourished and supported. Uma uses the sound of Tibetan singing bowls to help us to drop into a deep, nourishing relaxation. The first 6 minutes 40 talks through setting up for yoga nidra, how to create a comfortable yoga nidra so that you feel held and supported. You may wish to start at 6.40 if you'd like to get straight into your yoga nidra after you've set up. You may enjoy a hot water bottle for this class. We recommend a scarf to wrap around the waist and a blanket to keep warm and you will need to set yourself up next to your sofa or a chair, so that your knees are resting up, and your ankles higher than your knees.

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (9): Relax & Sleep Into Greatness26:33
    Yoga for Exam Stress (9): Relax & Sleep Into Greatness

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    A few stretches to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and relax the body, guided relaxation: body scan, breath counting and image visualisation, this yoga nidra is inspired from: Yoga Nidra book by Yoga Publications Trust

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (3) Think It, See It, Believe it, Have It!14:16
    Yoga for Exam Stress (3) Think It, See It, Believe it, Have It!

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    Guided relaxation and visualisation meditation which focuses on the power of manifestation, using the power of positive thinking and visualisation to achieve an outcome you want,whether that be your dream grade or an interview going smoothly. Generate confidence, positivity, success and resilience. Although this class is taught in a traditional seated meditation position, you can do this class anytime, anywhere, particularly is great for when you're lying down to help you to relax before you go to sleep, knowing that you're making the most of the power of your mind to work its magic when you're asleep.

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  • Alternate Nostril Breathing18:56
    Alternate Nostril Breathing

    Vidya Heisel

    A pranayama practice, breathing technique called Nadi Shodama, with is a very relaxing and cleaning breath. This alternate nostril practice is wonderful for helping the body to relax and will help to cope with anxiety or stress, and can even help with sleeplessness.

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  • Heart Opening Yin31:39
    Heart Opening Yin

    Norman Blair

    In yin yoga we hold poses for minutes. The poses in this heart-opening Yin Yoga class are focused on the heart meridian, and the poses will help you to open your shoulders and heart to all that life has to offer. Quietly energising, because most of the poses are back-bends, you may not want to do this class straight before sleep. A perfect antidote for after a long day’s work with the gentle energising and back and shoulder opening, this class will help you to settle into the evening. You may need two bricks or blocks, a bolster and a sandbag, but improvisation with cushions and books is also encouraged!

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  • Evening Pause22:10
    Evening Pause

    Adam Hocke

    Wind-down before bed and ensure a restful sleep. This short and simple practice will take you from anxiety to rest. Beginning with a few active postures and leading to 10 minutes of restorative rest. You will need a bolster and access to a chair.

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  • Restore yourself: Drop into stillness42:21
    Restore yourself: Drop into stillness

    Joo Teoh

    A great yoga class to end a frantic day. This class winds you down and prepares you to drop into deep peaceful sleep. With hatha and restorative poses, this class is a great way into a settled and calming evening. Class starts standing with gentle neck rolls, then gentle hip stretches and finally lying down in long holds so you can drop into a meditative state. Although class calls for two bolsters, rolled blankets or cushions will work just as well.

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  • Induce Sleep32:57
    Induce Sleep

    Joo Teoh

    This class is a mixture of yoga and qigong to help you to release anxiety, quiet your mind, clear your mind and prepare for sleep. Movements are gengle and accessible and don't involve full stretches, you are encouraged to not take a full stretch, but to use a chair or perhaps the edge of your bed for some of the yoga poses.

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  • Relaxation For Great Sleep28:05
    Relaxation For Great Sleep

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    Get yourself ready to calm into the evening with this all-levels gentle hatha yoga class, perfect to wind down after a busy day. Move through a series of poses focusing on stretching hamstrings, back and shoulders and getting comfortable for a great night’s sleep. Breathing exercises help you slow down and activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). Finishes with a long relaxation leaving you restored and calm. Ideal for everyone, but especially young people.

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