Yoga Classes › "camel pose"
The Sacred Pause
The shorter, darker days are coming, this practice is an invitation to honour the call to pause. In this practice we will be exploring savasana’s variations, where you can fully rest. Note: if you are pregnant, I would advise remaining in the first pose of this sequence for the length of this. Unless you are still in the first trimester and feel comfortable transitioning onto your back for the second pose.
Kundalini Kriya
A kriya is a specific sequence of postures or actions for a specific purpose. I like to call them recipes, each step works in turn to create a specific effect for your body, mind and spirit. There are hundreds of Kundalini Kriyas, this one is called the Kriya for Elevation. It is a simple practice involving lots of flexing the spine, stretching of the legs and stimulating breath of fire. The practice finishes with a more challenge held meditation Sat Kriya which is a key practice in kundalini Yoga. It encourages circulation of panic life force through all the chakras. It’s a great practice to help relieve symptoms of depression. This sequence has breath of fire to begin with so please watch my introduction to Kundalini Yoga if this is a new practice for you or you haven’t quite mastered it yet. Tune in to this traditional Kundalini yoga class or Kriya, as they are known in the Kundalini tradition. This full Kundalini yoga class involves chanting, mudra and physical hatha yoga poses and a beautiful, long Savasana to finish.
Playful Movement: Lower Body Focus
A playful, fluid way to work on a series of goddesses, working through including squat, crow pose, wide legged forward band and inversions. This movement class focuses on fluidity and sensitising the lower extremities, particularly developing hip mobility through a sizzling series of goddesses in succession. Also be ready for some wonderfully playful ways to work with your balance and find lightness through transitions. You will need a brick or block.
Awareness practice
In this short tutorial, Adrianna guides you through an awareness practice that can be used alone, but also before each of the restorative yoga classes. Scan the layers of the body (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual) to listen into what is present in your body right now, so that it may inform our choices as we move into practice, be it poses, or a place in which to anchor our attention during each pose. A really useful short practice to listen to to connect to yourself before any yoga class, but especially useful for Adrianna's restorative classes.
Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath) Tutorial
A seated pranayama, or breath-work class on Kapalabhati, otherwise known as skull shining breath. This breath is fabulous for awakening, creating alertness and as an enlivener – as a pick-me-up, maybe instead of your morning coffee or before a vigorous yoga practice. This can be used anytime you need to feel more alert, and can also be used during yoga poses as well. Warning, if you start to feel dizzy, please do return to your normal breath.
Everybody Flows: Megamix
This full length and well rounded yoga flow puts together the five-part everybody flows challenge into one mega exploratory practice. You’ll have an extended warm up and savasana, and in the middle you can practice and refine sun salutes and standing poses with a lot of ideas to make them accessible and sustainable. You’ll need a tennis ball or massage ball, a yoga brick and block, two blankets, an eye bag or wash cloth, a bolster or cushion. If you don’t have all these props, feel free to improvise.
Everybody Flows: You Need Savasana
This class is perhaps the most important of yoga poses. Savasana, resting pose. This class will allow you to enter into, prop, and experience savasana, the final relaxation posture. After a short cool-down you will learn a few ways to prop savasana and will be offered some guidance into easing your mind into rest. Once set, we will stay together for fifteen minutes. You will need a couple blankets, a bolster or cushion, an eye-bag or a soft washcloth.
Finding Strength & Flexibility
In this strong, challenging vinyasa yoga class we explore the edge of flexibility and mobility. Learn to be strong as well as flexible, challenge your boundaries and progress your strength, mobility, flexibility and balance through both the upper and lower body and into the core. This yoga class builds gradually and gracefully from the ground through to flowing sun salutes, arm balances, standing poses, into the peak pose of Utthita Vasisthasana. You will need a strap.
Everybody Flows: Refine The Shapes
As a follow-up to ‘Make the Shapes,’ this short practice will help you refine your understanding of down dog and standing poses with a few alignment cues to help your poses feel more sustainable and interesting. Although there’s a lot to learn, this practice focuses on feet, hands, and shoulders. You will need a tennis ball and a brick or something like it.
Honour Your Cycle: Autumn
A very gentle movement and breathing class for pre-menstrual tension. Release PMT with gentle hip-releasing yoga poses, work on emotional releases through resting poses. This class is nourishing and supportive, to give your body the rest and gentle movements it needs. You will need cushions or a bolster to support your knees during resting pose.
Arm Balance Party
This full vinyasa yoga class aims to make arm balances fun and accessible for everybody. Go step by step into the poses, including crow, side crow, and side plank variations, together with modifications or alternative paths to the full yoga pose if it doesn’t happen today. You will need a yoga brick and a good sense of humour.
Everybody Flows: Happy Hips & Hamstrings
This yoga class helps to mobilise and feel your hamstrings and the full circumference of your hips, especially if you feel tight or restricted in these regions. To make this class more accessible if you feel inflexible, we will spend a good portion of the practice supine on our backs. You can use this as a preparation for standing poses or to stretch areas of the body which might feel tight after travel, spending long times seated or after running or cycling. You will need a strap, a yoga block or a folded blanket.
Permission To Play (3): Leg-endary Strength
Whole Body Awakening
If you're short for time, this yoga class is the perfect one for you. This class is a whole body awakening practice that is specifically focused on isolating, activating and mobilising the major joints and muscles in the body. This is a perfect all-rounded class in itself, but can also be used to warm up and prepare the body for dynamic and challenging poses.
Tadasana: The Blueprint Pose
Finding your alignment in Tadasana is perhaps the most important yoga pose. In this yoga tutorial Kristin shows us how to find correct alignment in Tadasana, the mountain pose. Then Kristin goes on to show us how to find the same Tadasana alignment in Warrior 2, extended side angle pose, triangle pose and half moon pose including how to keep the knee protected during side angle poses. Essential watching for us all!
Rainbow Vinyasa Purple(5): Transcendence
Rainbow Vinyasa Green/Blue(4): Free As A Bird
Fly like a bird and find freedom in this short but intense advanced vinyasa yoga class focusing on hip and shoulder opening. To achieve full variations of these yoga poses you may need to have already have warmed up with a less intense yoga class, perhaps try practicing the other classes in this Rainbow sequence to build up to this? This vinyasa is sequenced with variations on our usual bird poses, expect to fly into poses including pigeon, working with low lunges ready for bird of paradise, firefly (titibasana), side crane, then working with more shoulder opening to peacock pose, pincha mayarasana and then dropping back into wheel before shoulder stand variations. Enjoy the freedom!
Downward Dog Tutorial
A tutorial on the yoga pose downward dog to help you find alignment and ease in this classic yoga pose.